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Thread: Programming Question - Time for Intermediate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Programming Question - Time for Intermediate?

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    To be clear up front, I have not been doing the program. I incorporated SS as best I could without giving up jiu-jitsu training and competing. I am ok with this.

    That being said I think I am ready to leave the novice stage only because I have hit an artificial plateau because my ability to recover has maxed out (I think) with the amount of training I am doing. I base this on the fact that I did GOMAD, ate like a champ, slept, microloaded all while training 6 days a week weights/jj, and have just straight up stalled.

    The question for Rip, or anyone else with similiar experience is, am I doing the right thing by moving to an intermediate program? I'm looking to get stronger and gain a little more weight (up to 10lbs) Do I have another choice? Suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Age 29
    Started at 140lbs
    Stopped GOMAD @165, now weight 160 trimmed out

    Squat 215 3x5
    DL 275 1x5
    PC 135 5x3
    Press 102.5
    Bench 140

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    No way, you still have some in you. You're not even squatting 2 plates yet.

    I got my squat up to 245 lbs at 165 lbs BW before I felt like I had to move on to an intermediate program.

    Your very bench is weak, sorry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Carnivroar View Post
    No way, you still have some in you. You're not even squatting 2 plates yet.

    I got my squat up to 245 lbs at 165 lbs BW before I felt like I had to move on to an intermediate program.

    Your very bench is weak, sorry.
    Thanks for the feedback. Were you training something else on your off days?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Graunie View Post
    Thanks for the feedback. Were you training something else on your off days?
    Nope I was following the program strictly up until 245 lbs. Then I started doing a variant of the Texas Method.

    I'm sure you have some juice left in you for more linear gains. Just keep eating more at least until you get to 2 plates on squats, or 1.5 x BW, which would be around 245.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


    as someone that started with the same BW as you and is currently at the BW as you, your numbers don't look very good.

    May I ask why didn't you do the program?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Lewiston, Maine


    Quote Originally Posted by Graunie View Post
    I base this on the fact that I did GOMAD, ate like a champ, slept, microloaded all while training 6 days a week weights/jj, and have just straight up stalled.
    You train 7 days a week (thanks for this Jamie), lift 3 days, rest 4 days. Could be doing training 6 days a week you aren't giving your muscles a chance to recover which is very important in gaining strength.

  7. #7
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    Nov 2009


    I think my first post was confusing. Let me try again. I didn't do the program because I am unwilling to give up jiu-jitsu. I am lifting to supplement the jiu-jitsu.

    So the training schedule doesn't allow for the rest days in the program, hence the poor recovery. As of now I get one rest day.

    Mon - JJ
    Tue - Lift
    Wed - JJ
    THur - Lift
    Fri - Rest
    Sat - JJ
    Sun - Lift

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Since you are pretty active with other training, then I would personally suggest you do only 2 days of lifting a week. You will progress faster that way, I believe.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    North Carolina


    Because of your JJ sessions, you will not be able to keep up linear progression for very long. That is a fact. No matter how well you eat and sleep, your muscles will never have the time, free of stress, to recover properly.

    The intermediate program is for those who have run the course of the novice program.

    I think you could successfully incorporate a strength program using the SS lifts into your training, but do not expect the linear progress

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick L. View Post
    Because of your JJ sessions, you will not be able to keep up linear progression for very long. That is a fact. No matter how well you eat and sleep, your muscles will never have the time, free of stress, to recover properly.

    The intermediate program is for those who have run the course of the novice program.

    I think you could successfully incorporate a strength program using the SS lifts into your training, but do not expect the linear progress
    I think you are right. I just needed to hear it. Any suggestions on where to turn for programming to get bigger/stronger under these circumstances, even if it is painstakingly slow?


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