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Thread: Beau's Log of Learning

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seattle Washington

    Default Beau's Log of Learning

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Alright I have been meaning to put this together for quite some time now.

    To start off I will give some background,

    I am currently 29yo male 5'11" 225lbs.

    Done all kinds of pointless things in the gym just like any other person my age that just found SS. Gym memberships at just about every mainstream globo gym you can think of over the years. Then I did NOTHING for a good few years and I started not liking how out of shape i was getting. Got myself into another gym started going with a friend of mine. had some gains lost some weight nothing amazing.

    I am a bit of a research obsessed kinda guy much to the benefit of the guy I lift with He basically just does the lifts I say we should do lol. At any rate I waded into the sea of bullshit called the internet and spent god knows how many hours shoveling until I found recurring themes as i would find the two guys on every forum or site I went to that seemed to know what they were talking about the term SS would come up.

    So to skip ahead a bit about 3 months into a gym membership i started doing the program.

    I had basically never done the a squat before cause I have a "bad" knee and was always told to avoid them. So being a total noob I had less issues my buddy had been taught highbar in highschool and it still messes with him.

    We did it for a couple months then I fell off the wagon and lazed about for the winter. came back into the gym couple months later getting my ass moving again and then tore an intercostal muscle.

    At this point I decided to restart SS now for some numbers.

    First run through SS

    Squat started 155lbs ended 245x5x3
    Overhead Press started 80lbs ended 125x5x3
    Bench started 145lbs ended 190x5x3
    Deadlift started 185lbs ended 315x5x3

    I of coarse like so many omitted PC from it.

    I have been back and going now for a couple months solid still a noob but learning. I found that I have a real interest in lifting and teaching the lifts. I have a whole group of guys I work with that I am attempting to teach the lifts to because they could see the difference in me.

    On to more numbers,

    5-6-13 was the start date.

    weight 216.6 BF% 14.8

    These were my first real lifts coming back from my injury so I worked into them nice and slow and set them lower than even I think they needed to be. I figured out that empty bar squats hurt just as much as loaded squats for my ribs.

    Bench was the hardest for me with the healing rib and not the lift it ws getting up and down off the damn bench.

    Squat 185x5x3
    Bench 155x5x3
    Overhead 90x5x3
    Deadlift 275x5x1

    Again like an idiot i started with omitting the PC

    As of right now I am moving along strong current lifts are

    Squat 275x5x3
    Bench 200x5x3
    Overhead 125x5x3
    Deadlift 355x5x1
    Powerclean 135x3x5
    Chins 5-5-5

    Feeling strong on most of the lifts right now I finally added PC into it and I am happy I did. As to whether they look very pretty I don't care as long as im learning them. (will post video eventually)

    I chose 135 pretty much because after doing empty bar 75 and 95 and feeling they were a little light to get the right feel for the second pull I decided 135 and I decided I would Just do 135 for a couple workouts then progress on from there when I felt my form was decent.

    Deadlift 355 was pretty hard I feel like my form is breaking more than i want it to. I also am just learning how to lift with a belt. It sounds kind of wierd but every time I put the belt on to dead it messes me all up but its feeling a little better each time. I do think i am going to either stay at 355 for another workout or drop to 335-345 just to dial in a little bit of timing on my leg drive it was off on the 355 and it made it so my lowback hurt later after the lift and the next morning then it was gone so I don't think was too bad but I think it would be prudent to work on it.

    Overhead I can strict press 140x5 that being said i hit 130 and stepped back down a bit because I discovered the videos with suggs teaching the press and now i am relearning it feels way better and makes more sense to me now and as the weight is going up the second layback is making loads more sense.

    I did'nt bother doing 10lb jumps on squat at first or 20lb on dead for the first bit. between having an injury and not being in any real hurry to get to the end of LP I am just doing 5lbs on everything and 10lbs on dead.

    I am going to start putting each day on here and anybody is welcome to comment and give advice I will be posting videos.

    My main goal is to get my SS cert I figure I am about a year away from that at least.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seattle Washington


    Lifts felt good today.

    Squat 280x5x3 felt strong
    Overhead 127.5
    Deadlift 335x1x5

    I tried useing a phone to record the lifts biggest reason is I have never been able to see myself. Squat looked pretty good dead had the issues I figured it did guessing from the low back pain I felt. I am getting some rounding mostly on my last couple reps but still I am stepping back a bit and recording them each time as I work back up to see what weight it is starting at.

    I might post the squat video its really poor quality and I had a random guy at the gym do it so he was all over the place lol

    Still getting used to the belt. Feels good on squat but throwing me off on dead. Might be because I'm not locking up my back proper.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seattle Washington


    Today's lifts

    Squat 285x5x3
    Bench 205x5x3 had two finger help on the last rep redoing this weight.
    Cleans 135x3x5

    Was short on time and in a hurry completely forgot to do my chins.

    Squat feels strong I am determined to make it to 315 without a deload lol

    Got a two finger spot on the last rep of bench going to redo 205 next time always been my weakest lift.

    I am getting more comfortable with cleans having some issues wracking as I fatigue keep trying to just catch it with my wrists which I know is bad.
    Last edited by Beau; 06-28-2013 at 09:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Seattle Washington


    Have come to realize that I don't like my days off from work lol

    I know it sounds weird but I have a pretty physical job and it helps me work a lot of the tightness out of my muscles throughout the day. on my days off I am far too lazy and I end up knotted up as shit by the end of a full day off....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seattle Washington


    woo shit is getting heavy for me.

    Squat 290x5x3
    Overhead 130x5x3
    Deadlift 335x4x1

    Squat has gotten heavy enough that form took a hit on the last set. never felt like it wasnt going up though.

    overhead is doing ok I really need to just dial in my timing when i have the timing right with my hips the weight flys up.

    For deadlift i think i have gotten into my head to much with this lift it is messing with me every rep. might stay at this weight for a couple workouts till I can sort it out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seattle Washington


    I am thinking that my problem with deadlift might be a matter of reconvery time.

    Think I'm going to switch to deadlift on wed with a light squat.

    See how much longer I can push through with this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seattle Washington


    starting strength coach development program
    So I lifted yesterday but I didn't get my sets in. I was short on time I just didn't want to skip the gym.

    I did squats and since I knew I would have the time to get all my sets I warmed up and ended with

    3x275. 2x305. 2x315
    I figured if I wasn't going to do a full day I might as well come out of it with a PR that was the first time I have ever done 3 plates feel pretty good about it.

    I skipped bench altogether and did powerclean chin supersets. Which are pretty brutal.

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