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Thread: Need to refocus - recomp without DL tanking?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Sydney Australia

    Default Need to refocus - recomp without DL tanking?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Age 44

    Mid 2012-mid 2013 dropped from 113kg+ 120cm+ waist down to 90kg/96cm.

    Since then floated between 88-93kg, 93-98cm

    Recent lifts:
    250kg DL PR.
    DL Vol day: 175kg 4x5
    DL Heavy day 215kg 3x3 just reset to 200kg 4x2

    I've been tracking daily intake and morning measurements since Jan 2014 with very few missed days. Pretty much a habit now.

    For most of 2015 my only real focus (lifting or diet) has been getting my DL up. Tracking has been without a plan (aside from ensuring 220-240g protein daily) and mostly reactive -i.e. waist goes up more than I like, dial calories down a bit. It's starting to devolve into a bit of a junky IIFYM mess (junky carbs starting to creep in, white bread, potato chips etc)

    Looking at my numbers for 2 weeks of August, average 3690 kcal/day Weight 91-93kg Waist 96-97.5cm

    So, I'm making a change, but I'm not entirely sure how best to progress. I have of course read TBAB. I'd like to recomp, but not too slowly that I lose motivation or focus, but not so fast my DL tanks.

    So roughly based on the 200lb Male Recomp and taking into consideration my age and what's practical diet-wise, I've come up with a rough starting point of:

    260 protein 200 carbs 70 fat 2500 kcal

    Not looking to get super ripped or anything, but would like to get the waist back under 90cm by the end of the year, without my DL absolutely tanking.

    Is this a decent goal and starting point?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I'd swap your protein and carb numbers and start there. I typically see people's deadlifts either hold up just fine or get stronger as they lose weight -probably secondary to improved positioning/ease of getting into a good pulling position.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Sydney Australia


    Thanks Jordan. I'll swap them as suggested. Carbs have always been a struggle for me. Either low carb or anything and everything. With very limited prep time, any carbs you'd suggest as "good" carbs to easily reintroduce? Is white bread really that bad?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Define "bad"? White bread probably wouldn't be my first choice due to the lack of fiber, but instant oatmeal, sprouted breads, rice, potatoes, etc. are where I would get the bulk of my starchy goodness from.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Sydney Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    Define "bad"? White bread probably wouldn't be my first choice due to the lack of fiber
    Yeah, aside from fibre content, I've no clear sense of how any particular carb being bad as such.

    I've tried oatmeal (both blended with a shake, and as part of prepackaged muesli that's listed as 70% oatmeal) recently and let's just say my GIT doesn't like it very much. Is this most likely a case of too much too soon, and I should be able to gradually build some tolerance?

    Anything particular to lookout for with sprouted breads? Had a look at a local healthfood store. They had some hippy little dense loaf of some sourdough babel grain or something for about $10, but nothing "sprouted"

    So far 5 days in
    average 2700 kcal/day (2500 x4, 3500 after DL vol day)
    93.6kg to 91.4kg
    Waist 97.5 to 96.5

    I'm well aware of the rapid water etc losses at the start, so accounting for those, I figure I'm on track and not losing too quickly, but if I saw something somewhat similar in my second week, I'd want to increase my calories, right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Some people don't do well with uncooked oats or muesli. I would try cooking them well and/or soaking them overnight to see if you can tolerate them better. I have no input on sprouted breads as far as what to look for. It's just bread

    The weight loss looks a bit too much for me, which is corroborated by the waist drop too. I might consider adding back 200kCal or so, but see what happens the 2nd week first.

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