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Thread: nutritional strategy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default nutritional strategy

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Hi Jordan,

    I've been out of the gym for 10 weeks and I'm looking to restart with SS. So far I've done a better job at gaining fat than building strength. I'm 5'7 and kept my weight the same during my break at 187 with I guess 30% bf (waist 27 hips 41). On one hand I want to get rid of the fat, on the other that would mean I got fat for nothing since I don't have much to show for it since I started training about 22 months ago.

    food intake now 2380 -2530
    PR's (dl 268x5x1, sq 295x2x1, b 178x5x3, pr 119x3x3)
    Before my break my lifts already regressed to (dl 220x2x1, sq 237x5x1, b 169x5x3, pr 101x5x1)

    What should my nutritional strategy be?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    So we neglected to state how old you are, but overall I'd stick with a diet that keeps your weight right around 185-7 at first while you do the first month of LP like your life depends on adding weight to the bar every session. After that, we may consider pulling carbs by 20-30g but honestly- my money is on the probability that if you were to weigh/measure and be compliant with about 2500kCal day in and day out for 3 months whilst training your ass off doing strictly the novice/advanced novice LP that you'd look like a different person on the other end of it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    Thanks for replying.

    I'm 26 and my waist is 37 not 27. Any ideas on what my macro's should be like?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by StevenB View Post
    Thanks for replying.

    I'm 26 and my waist is 37 not 27. Any ideas on what my macro's should be like?
    You could do a lot worse than 220/250/70 (P/C/F) w. 35g fiber per day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    It came out like this. I made my pre- and post meals higher carb and lower fat.

    743 52p/56c/32f - 6 fiber
    671 58p/51c/24f - 10 fiber
    609 55p/72c/9f - 8 fiber
    583 55p/70c/5 - 11 fiber

    kcal 2606 - 220/250/70 - 35 fiber

    It should have totalled 2510. So I'm not sure where the 96 magical kcals came from.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Looks good to me. If you logged in MyFitnessPal, there's user generated error in the calorie count but if the macros are correct I'm fairly certain you're good!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    I recrunched the numbers. The nutrional facts on my powder where wrong in total kcal, it just didn't add up. Some foodlabels used slighty different numbers for calculating total cals, so I redid them with 4/4/9. But when I reran the numbers on the fiber rich foods, I found out that fiber isn't counted as a carb, yet it is added to the total calorie count for a value of 2kcals/gram. I'm getting 2579 now for 220/250/70(rounded off) including the seperate cals from 36,2 gr of fiber. And I'm just going to stick with that or else I'm going to lose my mind.

    And off course thank you for your help Jordan.

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