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Thread: Shoulder injury in the supraspinatus area

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Shoulder injury in the supraspinatus area

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I have been injured in my right shoulder for around 4 months already, unable to bench press and press or do any shoulder/chest exercises at all. It's been a month since I started going to a physiotherapist but with no results so far.

    The pain can be described as a muscle-like pain in the supraspinatus area which is mostly felt during "press" type exercises. It hurts a lot during push ups as well and I can do only 4-5 push ups now before the pain reaches and starts hurting a lot.

    Here is a pic of the area that hurts:

    would appreciate any kind of help


    Edit : Just wanted to clear up that my username has nothing to do with my injury and this account was made 5 years ago. Karma sure sucks
    Last edited by Supraspinatus; 10-07-2015 at 05:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Sydney Australia


    "muscle-like pain" is pretty vague. Is it local (ie exactly where you point?) Sharp or diffuse?

    Can you do dips?

    Has anything been diagnosed?
    Any imaging done?
    Tried the drop arm test for a supra tear? (Fully abduct shoulder, slowly lower arm back to side)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010


    I would say its local and sharp while exercising. Usually I feel no pain if I'm not lifting although I do feel slight pain while doing front raises with a heavy book or something.

    Can't do dips as well.
    Nothing inparticular has been diagnosed. Xray and ultrasound on the shoulder showed that everything is fine so this is just speculation based on the physiotherapist check.
    Regarding the drop arm test, I feel nothing, but are you sure it's supposed to test for supra tear and not just simple shoulder impingement?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    Does it hurt when you raise your arms up alone or only when you are pressing weights? Does the pain go away immediately or linger for while?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by iamsmuts View Post
    Does it hurt when you raise your arms up alone or only when you are pressing weights? Does the pain go away immediately or linger for while?
    everyday movements hardly trigger the pain. The pain usually stays for a couple of seconds and then it's over. I once tried to force the pain to see the reaction which happens if I keep trying to produce it even when it hurts already, and the result was a burning sensation in the area after I finished that lasted for a good few minutes, maybe even half an hour. To get to this amount of pain I did about 3 consecutive sets of 5-8 push ups and only stopped when the pain became increasingly insufferable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015


    You are having pain in a strange area, where the brachial plexus moves largely between the scalenes and then under the clavicle.

    Your xray didn't turn up a cervical rib or other abnormality in the area?

    If it were nerve compression though, it would probably extend down your arm and not be so localized. But I'm not sure.

    Does rotating your head far to the opposite side hurt?

  7. #7
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by iamsmuts View Post
    You are having pain in a strange area, where the brachial plexus moves largely between the scalenes and then under the clavicle.

    Your xray didn't turn up a cervical rib or other abnormality in the area?

    If it were nerve compression though, it would probably extend down your arm and not be so localized. But I'm not sure.

    Does rotating your head far to the opposite side hurt?
    nope. The xray was perfectly fine, although my doctor noticed a limited movement in my neck which he thought could be a reason to my injury (I am unable to rotate my neck 90 degrees and if I tryhard it kinda hurts). I don't know if this information is somehow relevant but who knows.

    Oh now that I'm done writing that I see that you asked wether it hurts to move my head far to the opposite side. Could it be that you hit the jackpot and it really could be connected to my current injury in the supra area?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Have you tried simply resetting your press all the way down as far as just the bar (or even something lighter, like a PVC pipe), and incrementally loading it from there? Testing it with pushups still involves a significant portion of your body weight.

  9. #9
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by hollismb View Post
    Have you tried simply resetting your press all the way down as far as just the bar (or even something lighter, like a PVC pipe), and incrementally loading it from there? Testing it with pushups still involves a significant portion of your body weight.
    From my personal experience this is not something that will heal the injury. After all, I haven't done any kind of bench/press since around june and it still hurts as much as it did before. I really doubt that pressing a PVC pipe and adding weight to that will magically heal my serious injury

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Supraspinatus View Post
    From my personal experience this is not something that will heal the injury. After all, I haven't done any kind of bench/press since around june and it still hurts as much as it did before. I really doubt that pressing a PVC pipe and adding weight to that will magically heal my serious injury
    Oh, I didn't realize it was serious, despite the fact that you have no diagnosis after seeing a doctor/PT, and are capable of performing normal day-to-day activities and hardly notice it.

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