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Thread: Eirik - I'm gonna be the viking!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Eirik - I'm gonna be the viking!

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello strongmen.

    Background info:
    20 Years old.
    ca 75kg (Don't have a weight : D)

    I've been doing sports all my life. Football (eh, soccer..), cross country skiing, snowboard, slalom, basketball, taekwondo, tennis, swimming, running and crossfit (bring on the hate). When I was 19 I went to the army, Norwegian army border rangers up north, guarding those russians and whatnot. Before I wen't to the army my PR squat was about 95kg, DL was 105 or something, and shoulder press about 35-40kg. After the I army the only lift that went up was bench press, as I generally got weaker and weaker. Then I started at a university, and generally just drank beer and got fucked up. Which meant I got even weaker.

    Thats going to change. Now.

    My goals.
    - Get strong.
    - Get muscles.

    I don't care if I put on fat, if I have to buy new pants, I just want to get strong. Seeming as strong and muscles usually goes pretty well hand in hand, I think I have a nice starting point.

    Program:Wichita Falls novice program, which looks like this:
    Day A:
    Squats: 3x5
    Bench: 3x5
    Pullups/chinups (rotating): 3xf

    Day B:
    Squats: 3x5
    Press: 3x5
    Deadlift: 1x5 OR power clean: 3x5.

    Starting weights:
    Squat: 60kg.
    Bench: 50kg.
    Press: 30kg.
    Deadlift: 70kg.
    Power Clean: 30kg.

    Form:I think my form on squats is starting to be pretty good, but I just realized my knees goes a bit forward when I've been going all the way down, ass to grass, and (almost) fixed that by stopping under parallel, instead of all the way down. Bench seems OK, I just need to focus more on lightly touching the chest, instead of bumping it, as I used to. Press is good/ok. Deadlift seems ok. Power Clean: Quite probably effin terrible. Never done those, except a few times in crossfit workouts. Pullups/chinups: Ok!

    Eating: I've allways been skinny. To the point where my grandma force fed me butter and denied my sister it. Nice grandma, should have listened more too her. I've been trying to lift for years, but with little progress, which I don't doubt has one single reason. I eat less than I need to grow. My caloric intake goals is this:
    Workout days: 5000kcals
    Tuesdays/Thursdays: 4000kcals.
    Saturday/sunday: At least 3000kcals.
    I think I will try to up these after a while, but right now it's very hard to eat 5000 on work days, and 4000 is kind of hard on rest days, and weekends, are well weekends. I'm logging almost everything I eat, just skipping somethings on purpose, so I eat more than I log, to be sure i reach my minimums (some Icelandic candy everyday. If Jon Pall could, so can I)

    I started for real monday, six days ago, and it all went well.
    Day 1 (A): Monday, 01.03.10
    Squats: 3x5 60kg.
    Bench: 3x5 50kg.
    Chins: 3xf (7,6,5)
    This workout was heavier than I though, probably because a four day drinking binge. I noticed that my knees go slightly forward this day.

    Day 2 (B): Wednesday, 03.03.10
    S: 3x5 62.5kg
    Press: 3x5 30kg
    Deadlift: 1x5 70kg
    Okay, squats kinda heavy, press was a bit easy, deadlift was, well, deadlifts.
    Tried to fix knees to forward, didn't really fix it.

    Day 3 (A): Friday, 05.03.101
    S:3x5 65kg
    B: 3x5 52.5
    Pullups: 3xf (8,4,3)
    I didn't really eat enough before workout, so I was fatigued before the pullups, but pulled (hehe!) through.

    Monday: 4404kcals.
    Tuesday: Forgot to add dinner that day, but 3000kcals before dinner.
    Wednesday: 5140kcals
    Thursday: 4335kcals
    Friday: 5573kcals.

    Pretty happy so far, and looking forward to next week of lifting. In the mean time, happy weekend.

    Oh, and I almost forgot the part I'm most proud of. I'm not going to drink a single drop of alcohol. Going form 3-4 days a week to not a single drop is going to be hard, but getting drunk ain't making me stronger.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    let's not get crazy now! Beer and liftin go together like squats and deads.

    Do GOMAD to get your calories up. You need minimum of 5K per day--every day--not just training days. You'll need the calories to pack on the muscle. If you do the diet as you described I predict you will stall out early.

    good luck!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eirikeb View Post
    Oh, and I almost forgot the part I'm most proud of. I'm not going to drink a single drop of alcohol. Going form 3-4 days a week to not a single drop is going to be hard, but getting drunk ain't making me stronger.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I'll try to reach that. I'm at 2l of milk every day now, and I'll try to up it to 3l pr day if that'll make you love me.

    And the alcohol thing is 50% economical as I'm broker than your average druggie, and 30% to check if I'm able to do it. 20% because I was drunk when I said it, and my mom said I should do what I say I'm going to do.

    But I'll take the advice, and try to go for 5k calories a day next week.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    New week, new lifting to be done! Hurrrrayyy!

    S: 67,5kg Perfect weight, heavy, but still good control. Think I've fixed the knee issue now, will try to camcord my self, then try to fix it and then post it on the board when I can't improve it more on myself.
    P: 32.5 Kinda easy. Looking forward to getting to 40kg, so I can use 10kg plates instead.
    Chins: 6-6-2. I was still sore from the pulls on friday, so these were very tough on me. Didn't get optimal rest this weekend, due to work1, work2 and not eating or sleeping enough. Will fix it this week.

    Ate 5017kcal today, pluss some peanutbutter and jam which I didn't count. 3L of whole milk went down easy. Think I can up it to 4l, which is just over a gallon. Sweet!

    I can allready see a change on my beergut, happy times. I'm getting fat : D

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I ate 6000kcal yesterdays. A lot of icecream, chocolate and other crapfood. Made me happy!

    over 5000kcal todays, 4000 with 2l of milk, and I have eaten one big burger with fries and shit and one liter of milk left as well.

    Squats: 5x3 70kg - first set was heavy, rest went pretty good. Knees felt good again, my back was kind of sloppy on the first set. Didn't tight it all up.
    Bench: 5x3 55 - just the right weight, maybe it could be heavier.
    Power Cleans 3x3 40kg: Didnt remember the reps/set, so gambled on the 3x3. Spent 40 minutes practicing forms first, then did the cleans. 40kg was maybe a bit to heavy, but overall went ok. Forgot to go to jump positions once, and need to work on rack positions, getting my elbows high enough.

    All in all, friggin amazing workout!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    S: 72,5
    Press: 35
    Pullups: dont remember,around 7-5-3 or something

    Didn't workout on friday, and got drunk on sunday. good job Eirik.

    Tuesday: New week, new possibilites:
    S: 75: first set very heavy, second quite ok, third as it should be.
    Bench: 55 Heavy, I think I arch my back to much, I get some pain in the lower back.
    Deadlifts: 80kg, heavy as it was deadlifts, but I could have pulled 10kg more I think. Strength is definetaly(sp?) improving.

    eggs, bread, mayo, peanutbutter, salmon, a very small bite of potato, 3l of milk and probably tuna or ramen before I go to bed. Nice. Maybe a bit olive oil as well.

    I need to film myself soon. I think I sometimes miss the contraction in the lower back on the squats, and the kneeves cave slightly in sometimes. I'm worried about my arch on the bench, and I have to read about deadlifts once more.

    Also, my starting strength is falling aparts. The glue doesn't hold together : (

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Woah. New day, new posibilites! Fuck yeah.

    Working out is starting to become the highlight of my day. Actually it is! It doesn't feel like a walk of shame anymore, it's a pimp walk of glory.

    S: 77,5 Easy. Like, I could have done 80. Cool! Felt my form was good, as long as I remember to push knees out, keep the arch in lower back, and I also practiced hip drive. Wow, what a difference. Need to practice those, it was like lifting 10kg less. I though I had loaded wrong on the first rep of the work sets, so I racked it and checked..
    P: 37,5 h-e-a-v-y. I knew this was going to be heavy, but I'm confident that I'll get 40kg on next press day, and thats a huge barrier for me. Finally a big plate instead of lots'a small ones.
    ChinUps: 10-7-4. I think I need to bring some bananas or something, cause my energy is dropping before chins. But I did them, and I was stronger than last time. Decided that shoulders touches the bars is the requirement for a rep, to make sure I go all the way with chin way over the bar.

    I'm still getting my calories mainly form fat 50%, carbs 30% and just 20% from proteins, but bread is cheap (under a dollar for one bread, while a beer in a pub is at 10$), calorie rich and easy to eat. I've upped my breakfast form four eggs to six, and I'm eating a can of tuna almost every day to get some extra proteins (and fat from mayo and carbs from the bread). Need to get back on the olive oil track, and maybe start eating some fruit and veggies? Now the only I get is 2-3 bananas a week, 2-3 cans of tomatoes a week.

    No haul for Eirik

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Eirikeb View Post
    Working out is starting to become the highlight of my day. Actually it is! It doesn't feel like a walk of shame anymore, it's a pimp walk of glory.
    I know what you mean. When I was skinnier and weaker I was ashamed to be going to the gym because it served to emphasize how skinny and weak I really was. Now that I'm a bit stronger and a bit bigger, going off to do my squats is the highlight of my day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by PVC View Post
    I know what you mean. When I was skinnier and weaker I was ashamed to be going to the gym because it served to emphasize how skinny and weak I really was. Now that I'm a bit stronger and a bit bigger, going off to do my squats is the highlight of my day.
    Meh, for me it was more the walk to the gym, after school, maybe a slept a bit little. All these small excuses for not doing working out. Now it doesn't matter. I'm gonna work out - no matter what!

    But it helps getting stronger.

    S: 80kg - Almost failed on the last rep on the first set, lost tightness because I looked up/in the mirror and fell down, but pushed it up again. Lost tightness in lower back on 4th rep on the last set. Hip drive is coming along. Need to focus on hip drive, lower back, knees, low bar, tightness.
    B: 60kg - first set extremly heavy, second ok, third heavy. Getting close to reset on bench, but fuck that. I found out it's a very stupid idea to close my eyes when it gets heavy, because it fucked up the bar path.
    PowerCleans: Yihha, 40kg, 3x5. Felt good. Need to remember that bent arms suck, and to really jump. As in taking a jump. Did a jump on my last rep, last set and the bar racked it self. Woah. It was like "oh, the bar is allready racked? How did that happen?"

    good workout. Ate power breakfast. 400gr of minched meat and a can of tomatoes. Sweet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    S: 82.5kg filmed my reps for the first time ever. Scary! I go too far down, and my knees still go forward/buttwink. Also the bar is a bit to high.
    P: 40kg: Heavy, filmed theese as well and I overextend the reps. Stupid. Miscounted the second set, so did 6 reps on the last instead. Heavy
    Deadlifts: 85g. Normal/easy. form looked good on video!

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