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Thread: Steve's Second Starting Strength

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Steve's Second Starting Strength

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Stats: 6'ft 0"inch
    Weight: 202 lbs
    Age: 39
    Training Status: Novice!

    My first Starting Strength run came in 2007 I ran it for about 6 months and maintained a body weight of 215 throughout. Lifts went up like so:
    Deadlift: 1x5x145 -> 1x5x310
    Squat: 3x5x135 -> 3x5x265 (5x268)
    Bench Press: 3x5x105 -> 3x5x193 (5x195)
    Standing Press: 3x5x55 -> 3x5x128
    Pullups: 3x5x-55(assisted) -> 5,4,3xBW
    Chinups: 3x5x-55(assisted) -> 5,5,4xBW
    Power Cleans: 45lb ->115lb

    I started the power cleans late in the program, I think after SSv2 came out.

    After that I did an 4 day upper/lower split that was enjoyable but I got distracted after a while. Results when I got distracted were:
    Squat: 1RMx300
    Deadlift: 1RMx365
    Press: 1RMx145
    Bench: 6x4x200
    Power Cleans: 6x3x150lb

    I managed to maintain that strength for a while, but then I moved, got married and now we have a 10 month old in the house. I never managed to find a decent gym near my house for training. So for my 39th birthday I bought the needed gear to train. So it was time to head back to linear progression and maybe this time stick to the program a little better. I will probably still mess this up.

    I am training in my basement, so at the start of the program I will be doing Seated Press, while sitting on my bench. Technique will be pull bar out of the squat stands like a front squat and sit down on my bench. Keep a hard arch in my lower back. Rest of the technique will be the same otherwise. I will move to the optimum version of the lift when some snow melts and it gets a little warmer.

    I started on March 1st. I will post the training sessions shortly in individual posts.
    Last edited by ssullivan; 03-13-2015 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 1, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 105x3x5
    Bench Press: 65x3x5
    Deadlift: 115x5
    Seated Press: 45x3x5

    What?!?! All four lifts in one workout....looks like I am NDTP! And Seated Press! Blaspheme! Worry not, I will chop back to the 3 lifts soon enough. I think I have the recovery capacity to handle 4 lifts at these weights. I will also start carrying my bar outside to do my pressing in proper form once some of the snow here in the Northeast melts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 3, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 115x3x5
    Bench Press: 55x3x5
    Deadlift: 125x5
    Seated Press: 55x3x5

    Ah, linear progression at a lighter weight. So awkward to do some of the lifts again still.

    Do not worry! Power Cleans are coming as soon as I think Deadlift cannot be done every workout.
    Last edited by ssullivan; 03-13-2015 at 01:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 6, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 125x3x5
    Bench Press: 85x3x5
    Deadlift: 135x5

    Moved this workout one day back due to a snow clean up workout instead. I also did not have time for all four lifts this time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 8, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 135x3x5
    Bench Press: 95x3x5
    Deadlift: 150x5
    Seated Press: 65x3x5

    Jumped the deadlift by 15lbs. It felt better at a higher weight. 4 lifts again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 10, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 145x3x5
    Bench Press: 105x3x5
    Deadlift: 165x5
    Seated Press: 75x3x5
    Last edited by ssullivan; 03-13-2015 at 01:51 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 12, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 155x3x5
    Bench Press: 115x3x5
    Deadlift: 180x5
    Seated Press: 85x3x5

    Last workout with all 4 lifts.

    Recovery notes:
    10 month old daughter was up on and off all of Wednesday night with a stuffy/runny nose.

    I need to start eating more and drinking more milk. I weighed in at 200 lbs Thursday morning. My wife looked at me like I had 2 heads when I said I need to gain weight. I said "You are the one that like muscles. Can't build them without eating more."
    Last edited by ssullivan; 03-13-2015 at 02:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 15, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 165x3x5 (2:30 rest)
    Bench Press: 120x3x5 (2:30 rest)
    Deadlift: 195x5 (3:00 rest)

    Workout Notes:
    A normal looking SS work out. Things are starting to feel a little more challenging.

    Recovery notes:
    Sleep still broken up due to sick infant. I got a head cold too! Hurray!
    Tried to eat a lot more. I think I did.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 17, 2015

    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 175x3x5 (2:30 rest)
    Seated Press: 88x3x5 (2:30 rest)
    Deadlift: 210x5 (3:00 rest)

    Workout Notes:
    Good stuff, felt like work today.

    Program Notes:
    I started microloading the Press already. I did some math and if I can stick with the 3lb increases my work sets would be up to 142 in 12 weeks. And I would rather micro-load instead of getting stuck. Next problem is to get outside for the doing the press correctly, standing.

    I am not sure when I am going to add Power Cleans into the program, my first thought was if my recovery feels shitty or if miss some squat reps.

    Recovery notes:
    The whole house is sleeping a little better! I am definitely eating more then I was a few weeks ago. Wife is worried we won't have leftovers for lunch.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default March 19, 2015

    starting strength coach development program
    All lifts get a standard warmup.

    Squat: 180x3x5 (3:00 rest)
    Bench Press: 125x3x5 (3:00 rest)
    Deadlift: 225x5 (3:30 rest)

    Workout Notes:
    Bench felt good, I think I have a lot of room left on that.

    Recorded my work sets today. Squat were heavy for me but looked pretty good, knees are not sliding forward, back is flat but there is some butt wink when I hit the bottom and rebound out. Not much I can do about that.

    For the deadlifts my lower back is set well on the first rep and gets progressively worse as the set continues, although I see I made an effort to reset it on the 4th and 5th rep.

    I definitely feel the hamstrings stretching when I set everything for the deadlift.

    My back may just be tired from doing squats and deadlifts every workout for 3 weeks.

    Program Notes:
    Going to 5lb jumps on squats. 5lbs on Bench and 10lb on deadlifts. I think after next week I will go to the A/B with alternating power cleans and deadlifts. I will get a recovery break while I re-learn power cleans.

    Recovery notes:
    Nothing new of note, more sleep then the last few days!

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