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Thread: Ludwig: a typical young man's log.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Default Ludwig: a typical young man's log.

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    So I decided to start my own training log.

    I'm a 18 year-old male, currently embarked on the studying of Finance and Accounting, tho I found strength training, 'fitness', nutrition, etc. to be extremely compelling(aren't we all are).

    I obviously have a lot to learn!

    - Background(not related to strength-training at first but bear with me): sitting on my ass till 10th grade.
    My fitness journey start when I went swimming with my mom and I thought to myself "hell, maybe if i take this srsly I can make it into some amateur meets". So I tried. After pushing myself really hard in the breaststroke I made it into my school's swim team and help them win a state's silver and a local's gold in medley relay. The winning part was of course not much of my participant because I only have a year, so I did my best my not dragging anyone down and give it all in one stroke that I'm good at. I also participate in the cheerleading team and train with the tug-of-war team.

    Going from an average chubby guy in P.E. class (chubby in my country's standard, not American) to the-guy-who-can-do-everything in P.E. class and a handful of other activities makes me realize my potential and limits. I understand more of coach Rip's saying: "it's important to realize your limits are seldom where you think they are".

    When I was in the swim team I get access to school's weight room(you would be surprised to learn that how much of a privilege that is. My school is the only public highschool (in my state as far as I'm aware of) that has soccer court, swimming pool and some other courts). Obviously my swimming coach is a not very knowledgeable coach in this area of expertise, but I can understand why so I don't complaint. She's a great swimming coach nevertheless. My tug-of-war coach is pretty much the same, accompanied with the fact he used a lot of weight training (allegedly should be strength training but he had everyone do bodybuilding-style workout), yet push everyone on the team to make weight. Granted, they are 2 down-to-earth individual. They had their teams train for the sport, and had them train very hard. I respect them.

    During my time at the tug-of-war team, I get to do whatever the fuck I wanna do. Unlike at swim team when I was supervised. I google stuff. Bam, SS. Next thing you know I started squatting. Fuck I even deadlift. In the team there's this super strong dude who squat 2.5x mine, so I look up to be as strong as him. And I did attempt or thing that looks pretty big at that time, for me, you know. Like squatting 50kg. Ha. Ha.

    Long story short, after sometime of fucking around, I quit. I don't know why but the big entrance exam kicks in, and you just don't even got the time to sleep. Plus you're supposed to feel stressed with homeworks. It's a BIG DEAL here where I live. I ended up study for something a lot different from everyone else, so I can apply for NUS. I failed, but decided not to give in and do what everyone else do. I did what my friends called crazy: go all in and decide to apply for a new-system uni, a joint-effort between 2 goverments, Vietnamese Germans University. No backup plan. Fuck am I one reckless kid.

    And I got a 100% scholarship for my first year.

    The uni was located in another state. In a middle of nowhere. They has a gym, it's the only gym in the area, and luckily the gym has a squat rack. Their barbell was shittier than anything I have seen, and the peak hours the gym was ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CROWDED.

    But big men have lifted big weights with less-than-perfect equipment. And they don't complain. So I sucked it up, and plan my schedule around peak time. The facility was near empty in the morning. And nobody use the squat rack anyway. So I begin my journey.

    My weight training history:
    Lots of time fucking around. Going serious few months ago, has to quit due to my being a pussy. Now been back for 3 weeks and intend on getting things done. Below are time when I was serious.

    - 2 months doing Ice-cream fitness 5x5 of Jason Blaha. Squat bench deadlifts 5x5. Eat like hell. Gained 5kg within one months, piled them weight like a proud boy. Upped 40 kilos in my squat for 2 months to 90 kilos. B/P/DL 50 40 105 kilos.

    - Felt burnout. Do my reading. Realize too much volume in the routine even for my bodybuilding goal. Tweak it a bit(don't hit me with a hammer for this) Basically still the main stuff plus 'smarter' accesory. Kinda look like SS really.

    - Back in the last 3 weeks. Sorted everything out. Decide to do squat for 3x5 and everything else 'bb-style'. Continue to add weights to everything. I omitted deadlift because I want to focus on my squat first. Not good reason I know but I can't help it. I like this routine of mine and will work on it until i stalls.

    3 days a week, alternate between 2 workout, sets x reps.

    Squat 3x5.
    OHP 3x5(will try to make it 3x8)
    Cable crossover 3x8 or 3x12
    Chin-up 3x8 or 3x12
    Weighted sit-up 3x12

    Squat 3x5
    Bench 3x8
    Row: 3x8
    Curl (for the sake of it)
    Hyperextension: 3x12

    Last session on Thursday 10th Dec 2015
    Squat 3x5: 100kgs (hell yeah a milestone)
    Bench 3x8: 48kgs (feel something in my front delt. can be acute injury. But not much pain, just some sensation. I'm concerned. Maybe shitty form. Will work on this.)
    Row: 3x8: 64kgs
    Curl 3x8: 25kgs
    Hyperextension: 3x12: 31kgs

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Walled Lake, Michigan


    Welcome, but what do X 8s have to do with Starting Strength? Do you have the books? I don't see Deadlifts on your list of lifts. Deadlifts are essential to SS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015


    ah crap i think i post this in the wrong sub forum.
    I'm NDTP. That's why the 8 reps. I will do it when this routine I come up with stalls.
    The deadlift will be done after my squat slows down.

    wonder if someone could delete the thread for me

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    Last edited by Agilic; 12-10-2015 at 09:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Ocean City, MD


    My recommendation would be to buy the book and follow the program, sooner than later.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The Refinery State


    starting strength coach development program
    What Agilic said. Trust the program, Luke! No, seriously, if you are starting out, SS will give you a solid foundation. After a year or two you may have enough experience to try your own stuff but until then, rely on people who really know what they are talking about - the SS coaches.

    Alternatively you can of course do whatever the hell you want, I suspect you'll get frustrated eventually, and if you are serious about gaining strength, you'll be back )

    Either way good luck!

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