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Thread: lack of dietary variation and chance of injury

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default lack of dietary variation and chance of injury

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Jordan, I have been injured more than usual lately. I wonder if lack of variety in diet could be a factor, or if it is probably due to other factors. My diet is conveniënt and not too expensive.

    first three meals:

    30-35 grams whey isolate
    15 grams of peanut butter or 10-15 grams butter
    Whole grain bread/ flakes
    Thin slices of chicken/beef/pork to put on bread

    this does vary, meat/ potatoes veggies/ pasta, piece of fruit

    Before bed:
    30-35 grams whey isolate, psyllium

    sups: omega 3 (2-3 caps), creatine, multi (50-100% recommended dose of vitamins and minerals), vit d, calcium, magnesium, vit c (1 gram), arginine, recenly started beta alanine

    Total macro’s about : 230p/350c/83f (maintenace level because of injury)
    I weigh 200 pounds, 5’10, 11-12% bf

    besides the injury's I feel fine on this diet, no excessive soreness or tiredness, getting stronger when upping carbs and get calories above maintenance.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Doesn't look like the diet would be contributing to this IMO.

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