It is 3/4" plywood with auto seat foam and auto seat upholstery. Lasts for years. Long years.
I need a new bench for benching inside a power rack. You show a flat bench on page 306 of Starting Strength 2nd ed. It looks like the bench was custom built. Based on the text, the top is 12" wide, 48" long and 17" tall when the foam is compressed.
What is the structure of the bench top? Is it something like 1" plywood with 1" rebond foam covered with the fuzzy kind of auto upholstery stapled in place?
It is 3/4" plywood with auto seat foam and auto seat upholstery. Lasts for years. Long years.
I built a bench to these dimensions. It's pretty good. However, mine has no padding, because I am a lazy bastard. Rip, could this become a problem with heavier weights do you think? I don't care too much about discomfort, I am just wondering whether it could be potentially injurious or not.
I did my first benching on a wooden bench. It wasn't that uncomfortable, it won't hurt your back unless your form is disgusting, and the cleanup is easier.