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Thread: Prior surgery impacting progression past advanced novice stage?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default Prior surgery impacting progression past advanced novice stage?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Background. I am 26, 5'7, 200lbs. I have always lifted weights, but I just began Starting Strength in November. I read Practical Programming and I'm currently milking the last bit of LP. Here are my current stats in pounds:

    Squats: 335x3x5

    Bench: 225x3x5

    Press:135x3x5 (was having forms issues so I did a reset)

    Dead 375x1x5

    Before I transition to intermediate programming I want to know if I should include any accessory work to compensate for the following surgery. I broke the bottom of my right fibula and my talus about 8 years ago. I have quite a few pins and screws still in there. My entire range of motion for that ankle is severely limited, especially when I try to raise my toes up towards my shin. I also have noticed that my calve muscles in that leg are substantially weaker than in my left leg. The injury hasn't seemed to hinder my progress so far, but I have noticed that my ankle has been a bit more sore that usual.

    Should I begin to incorporate some accessory work to preemptively address any issues that might arise as I lift heavier?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    In the absence of any pain or dysfunction, I would continue merrily along. If, however, you would like calves more like Comrade Wolf, I will not tell anyone if you do some calf raises now and again. All kidding aside, if your surgery has not bothered you thus far, or meaningfully limited you, I would not think about it, nor do anything differently than what you have done.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Thanks for the advice!

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