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Thread: Aasgaard books on Kindle cloud reader

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Brooklyn, New York

    Default Aasgaard books on Kindle cloud reader

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    I can no longer read the Aasgaard books that I purchased online on my computer web browser at

    This only happened in the last couple of weeks.

    I now get a pop-up that says "Kindle App Is Required. The book you're trying to read can only be opened using Kindle app."

    Well, I can't get the Kindle app because it's not available for the Linux operating system. I don't have a Mac, and fuck Microsoft Windows, I only use it when I have to, which is rarely now, because it's a pure shit operating system in every way, just like everything Bill Gates has ever done.

    All my other Kindle books can be read at

    I have an iPhone on which I can use the kindle app, but the large tables in the books makes them impractical to read on iPhone.

    Can anyone shed some light on this very frustrating change? Like why? And will I no longer be able to access the books without further spreading my ass cheeks open for the corporate overlords?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Nothing we did here. We'll ask the board. But this is why paper books are so cool. It's why I have all my movies on disc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Brooklyn, New York


    Oh, that’s interesting. I wonder what happened.
    I have those books in paperback too, hard copies are certainly are better in a lot of ways, but sometimes it’s convenient to flip through them on the computer.
    I found it odd that it was just the Aasgaard books, I’m interested if others experienced the same.
    I’m certainly in the minority as a Linux user, which I like not only because it’s free as in price, but also free as in speech or rights.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by John Watson View Post
    I can no longer read the Aasgaard books that I purchased online on my computer web browser at

    This only happened in the last couple of weeks.

    I now get a pop-up that says "Kindle App Is Required. The book you're trying to read can only be opened using Kindle app."

    Well, I can't get the Kindle app because it's not available for the Linux operating system. I don't have a Mac, and fuck Microsoft Windows, I only use it when I have to, which is rarely now, because it's a pure shit operating system in every way, just like everything Bill Gates has ever done.

    All my other Kindle books can be read at

    I have an iPhone on which I can use the kindle app, but the large tables in the books makes them impractical to read on iPhone.

    Can anyone shed some light on this very frustrating change? Like why? And will I no longer be able to access the books without further spreading my ass cheeks open for the corporate overlords?
    No clue.

    But, if you’re willing to use an iPhone, consider an iPad as your “reader” for all soft copy. It’s where I run the Kindle reader, and collect and query an endless stack of PDFs.

    Or…Recent Windows builds include an unadulterated Linux kernel, that can be accessed with a simple “wsl —install”. And with Windows 11, you’ll get a built-in X server (wslg). Say it ain’t so!

  5. #5
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    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by John Watson View Post
    Oh, that’s interesting. I wonder what happened.
    I have those books in paperback too, hard copies are certainly are better in a lot of ways, but sometimes it’s convenient to flip through them on the computer.
    I found it odd that it was just the Aasgaard books, I’m interested if others experienced the same.
    I’m certainly in the minority as a Linux user, which I like not only because it’s free as in price, but also free as in speech or rights.
    It has been awhile since I've run an emulator in Linux, but have you gone that route? Wine and VMWare were always good when I was a dedicated Linux user. And it looks like there are quite a few more out there now.

    But ++1 for hard copies. Mine are full of highlights and notes and pointers to articles here on the web site. Sure, you can do that in a Kindle, but as you've found out, you have to rely on other things (accessibility, battery, etc.) to make them work for you.

  6. #6
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by John Watson View Post
    All my other Kindle books can be read at
    All changes are for your own enhanced user experience I am sure.

    A question to pursue with these guys is why they're limiting your access to these books and not others. Might be the "Great on Kindle" designation, might be prohibitions against the large size, might have to do with tables or other formats. NO ONE KNOWS!

    I've dropped a question to the blighters. It will probably take 5 rounds to make them understand the question and then 3 more to get an intelligible answer. Ping me by email in two weeks if I haven't got back to you on this by then, John.

  7. #7
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    Brooklyn, New York


    Hahaha! Thanks stef! I really appreciate it.
    Sorry you have to deal with them and their obtuse and indecipherable ways again.

  8. #8
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by stef View Post
    All changes are for your own enhanced user experience I am sure.

    A question to pursue with these guys is why they're limiting your access to these books and not others. Might be the "Great on Kindle" designation, might be prohibitions against the large size, might have to do with tables or other formats. NO ONE KNOWS!

    I've dropped a question to the blighters. It will probably take 5 rounds to make them understand the question and then 3 more to get an intelligible answer. Ping me by email in two weeks if I haven't got back to you on this by then, John.
    John, so far through customer support all I get is badly trained people who use Engrish to let me know that they don't know why there is a problem, but that my "concern" has been forwarded "internally." And they make sure to let me know that no follow up or response will be provided.

    I've started a question with their electronic publishing arm separately. Will let you know.

    Perhaps this will "heal" over time as whatever they've done is undone...


  9. #9
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    Brooklyn, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by stef View Post
    John, so far through customer support all I get is badly trained people who use Engrish to let me know that they don't know why there is a problem, but that my "concern" has been forwarded "internally." And they make sure to let me know that no follow up or response will be provided.

    I've started a question with their electronic publishing arm separately. Will let you know.

    Perhaps this will "heal" over time as whatever they've done is undone...

    Hey stef,
    I went to the Amazon support chat page and got some help.
    The first rep said there was an update to the content and was able to restore cloud reader access to SS and PP.
    They could not restore access to BP for some reason.

    But I understand I'm using a fringe operating system (Linux) and the Kindle app is only ported to Windows, Mac, and iOS.
    And I also understood the ramifications of digital purchases compared with hard copy purchases.
    The only thing I lost is access through my operating system of choice, installing their app on a mainstream OS will allow me access to all my purchased titles.
    No need to take any further action from your end.

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by stef View Post
    John, so far through customer support all I get is badly trained people who use Engrish to let me know that they don't know why there is a problem, but that my "concern" has been forwarded "internally." And they make sure to let me know that no follow up or response will be provided.

    I've started a question with their electronic publishing arm separately. Will let you know.

    Perhaps this will "heal" over time as whatever they've done is undone...

    Also if you're curious I'll paste the dialogue below. Kind of amusing how the connection dropped each time it got difficult for them. 4 or 5 different reps. Outsourcing at it's finest.

    Kiran | Customer Service
    ​​Hi, I am Kiran. How may I assist you?
    7:47 PM
    I can no longer read certain books that I purchased at
    7:48 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Sorry to hear that you are no able to read purchased books
    7:48 PM
    I now get a pop-up that says "Kindle App Is Required. The book you're trying to read can only be opened using Kindle app."
    7:49 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Can you please log out Amazon Sign-In and relogin and check.
    7:49 PM
    Same result, and only books from a specific publisher
    7:50 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    May I know the name of the book please?
    7:51 PM
    3 books:Practical Programming for Strength training by Mark Rippetoe and Andy Baker
    Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
    And The Barbell Prescription By Jonathon Sullivan and Andy Baker
    I spoke with the publishers of these books and they made no changes
    7:53 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Can you please help me with the order number of the above books please?
    7:54 PM order number: xxx order number: xxx
    7:57 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Can you please check now if you are ab;e to access the books on your cloud reader
    7:58 PM
    Same result I still get a pop-up that says "Kindle App Is Required. The book you're trying to read can only be opened using Kindle app."
    8:01 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    May I know from when you are receiving this error message
    8:01 PM
    The same desktop computer I had previously accessed the books from for years
    8:02 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Can you please use the try using a different browser and check
    8:02 PM
    Started within the last two weeks or so
    Same result using Chromium as in Firefox, on both Linux and Windows computers
    8:04 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Please allow me two minutes of time, while I check this for you
    8:05 PM
    ok thanks
    8:05 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    John. there is an update for the content. So I'm updating it.
    8:10 PM
    oh interesting, thanks
    8:10 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    I have updated the content
    Can you please check now
    8:11 PM
    Yes, it works now thank you very much. Was this update from the authors or Amazon/Kindle?
    8:12 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    it was from authors side
    Apart from this, Is there anything else I can help you with?
    8:13 PM
    I still can't get The Barbell Prescription book, the other two work
    8:14 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    May I know the order number please?
    8:14 PM order number: xxx
    8:15 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Can you please sync the and check
    8:16 PM
    Still no access on that one
    The other two work
    8:18 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    May I know if you are getting an error message?
    8:19 PM
    Only the pop-up that says "Kindle App Is Required. The book you're trying to read can only be opened using Kindle app."
    8:19 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Can you please log out and relogin and check
    8:20 PM
    same pop-up
    8:22 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    If you have any other Kindle reading app, can you please check on that
    8:22 PM
    It works on my iPhone Kindle app
    8:24 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    John, I'll take it as a feedback and forward it to our concerned team
    If you wish, I can process refund for the content and you can repurchase and check
    8:25 PM
    Ok let's try that if the price is still the same
    8:26 PM
    Kiran | Customer Service
    Price is same
    8:27 PM
    ok, strange that the other two titles now work, thanks. I'm willing to try the refund/repurchase
    8:28 PM
    Sorry, Kiran’s connection dropped. A new associate will join the chat soon
    Tamimun has joined & will be ready to chat in just a minute.
    Tamimun | Customer Service
    Hello John , my name is Tamimun. Please give me a moment to review the previous correspondence.
    8:30 PM
    8:30 PM
    Sorry, Tamimun’s connection dropped. A new associate will join the chat soon
    Namhla has joined & will be ready to chat in just a minute.
    Namhla | Customer Service
    I apologize that you got disconnected from the previous agent. The book cannot be refunded because it was purchased years ago.
    With the pop-up, there are certain books that can only be read on the Kindle app because of the features that are now available and can only be accessed on the Kindle app. Unfortunately if a book requires that you download the Kindle app for it to be read, you would need to do so. Other books can still be read online through the cloud on but others cannot be read unless you have the app.
    8:39 PM
    I have been using the cloud reader for years to read my purchases on my computer running the Linux operating system. Can you tell me how I can read the book I have purchased? Is there an app for Linux?
    8:42 PM
    Namhla | Customer Service
    I understand that all books were readable on the cloud however with the updates and changes over the years, books are being updated by authors and most of them can only be read from the app. To check if there is an available version of the app in your device, please go to the device Appstore and search for the Kindle app.
    8:44 PM
    There is no app available for the widely used Linux operating system.
    8:46 PM
    Namhla | Customer Service
    If the device is not compatible then you can only read the books on a device that can install the Kindle app, I apologize for the inconvenience caused John.
    8:47 PM
    The authors and publisher have informed me that no changes were made on their end. It's an ebook consisting of text. Why can it not be read on the cloud reader?
    8:50 PM
    Sorry, Namhla’s connection dropped. A new associate will join the chat soon
    Muthumanraj has joined & will be ready to chat in just a minute.
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    Hello John. Nice to meet you!
    My name is Muthu
    How may I help you today?
    Please allow me a moment review your previous conversations.
    8:55 PM
    8:56 PM
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    I understand your concern. Not to worry, I'll surely help you with this.
    Please allow me a moment, let me check this for you.
    8:58 PM
    Thank you
    8:58 PM
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    Please try on different browser and check once.
    May I know your current country location?
    9:02 PM
    United States
    I'm not able to access that title, although I am able to access the other two titles through the cloud reader
    9:03 PM
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    Now only you are unable to access the The Barbell Prescription: Strength Training for Life After 40?
    9:04 PM
    9:04 PM
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    Thank you for confirming.
    Let me check this for you.
    To install or update the Kindle App:

    1. Go to
    2. Select Download for PC & Mac.
    3. When the download completes, open the downloaded file. This performs the installation or update automatically.
    4. When the installation or update is done, you may be presented with the terms of use. Please read and accept the terms of use.

    For more information, please visit:
    Only windows is supported for Kindle App

    9:08 PM
    Thank you. I will keep in mind if I consider another Kindle purchase that it is possible I will not have access to my purchases this way in the future. Understood.
    9:11 PM
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    You're most welcome!!
    Is there anything else I can assist you with?
    9:11 PM
    No, thank you for your help.
    9:13 PM
    Muthumanraj | Customer Service
    It was a great pleasure assisting your today.

    Thank you for contacting Amazon Digital Services!
    Stay safe, take care : )
    9:15 PM

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