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Thread: Am I unlocking my shoulders to rerack the bar (benchpress)?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Bethlehem, PA

    Default Am I unlocking my shoulders to rerack the bar (benchpress)?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been getting left shoulder pain that radiates down to my elbow after benching and that shoulder is usually a lot more worn out after a session. I saw in this thread

    that unlocking shoulders could lead to damage/pain and wanted to make sure that's not the reason why I'm experiencing pain after bench pressing.

    Please let me know what you guys think and if there's anything else I should look out for. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Bethlehem, PA


    Thanks for the coaching and the video, Matt, really appreciate it. Just want to make sure of a few things before I go back, though:

    Regarding setting up too low on the bench: I'm currently setting up with my eyes directly below the bar and I believed I was doing it against the method that Rip had lined out (i.e. eyes not directly below the bar but just below the line drawn from the bench to the bar). Are you coaching for the eyes to be above this line so that the unracking of the bar is easier since there is no spotter to help with unracking?

    Regarding staying lower on my chest: should the bar at the top of the ROM not be as high as where it is ending? I feel like there is a 90 degree angle between my arms and bench at the end and it definitely feels like the bar is ending at it's most natural position but the bar path does seem too flat when viewing the video... I'm also trying to hit the spot right between the body of my sternum and the xiphoid process and it definitely feels like I'm hitting the right spot. Are you coaching for just the top of the ROM to be lowered or do you think I should be hitting a little lower on my torso as well?

    Regarding lower back arch: In the first video at ~0:06, would that much lower back arch be better?

    I'll move my hands in a bit for the next session.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Bethlehem, PA


    Hey Matt,

    Consciously moved hands in about an inch but it seems like they ended up in the same spot as before?

    Tried out your trick and definitely saw a difference, tried incorporating it into the lift (engaging lats/shoulders in back pockets --> bringing chest up further) and definitely felt better in the second set. Probably need some more practice, first and third sets were too loose...

    Tensed up lower body and legs in these reps too, hope that's noticeable. Part of the reason why Set 1 didn't feel so good was because I started getting a cramp in my right hip/groin muscles and that distracted me.

    Video cut out in second set, unfortunately, because I felt really good about that one.

    Let me know what you think. Thanks!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Bethlehem, PA


    I'll try to make them look like set 2 and further in that direction.

    When you say "squeeze" the lockout, are you referring to triceps squeezing for max ROM or to shoulders back and down for a reset?

    Re: background, Hahahah, I'm glad you noticed. I actually refuse to listen to anything other than J.S. Bach or bestial black metal (Portal, Impetuous Ritual, Mitochondrion, Grave Miasma, etc) to make squats really oppressive.

    Thanks for all the coaching, man. Really appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Anyone else set their j-hooks so high? It looks like there is less than half an inch of clearance when racking and unracking. That scares me. It might encourage you to reach, which will kill your shoulder position. You can sort of see it at :34 in the middle video above. Elbows are locked and then the bar comes up. I want the bar to be up off the hooks if my elbows are locked out.

    I'd lower those hooks at least an inch.

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