Yes, 1 set of deadlifts for 5 reps on Monday is fine for TM. I'm not sure if it will be enough to "spur growth" in the upper back, but it's enough to make you stronger.
So i've done a few searches and lurked this board a bit, but i pretty much need to know where/when to program deads. Can i do them 1x5 monday, chins wed (3xf) and Cleans friday (5x3)?? Or what combination/rep scheme would be best.
Note: i still think i can handle once a week deadlifting (vanilla SS means i get it first workout, stall the second, but once a week is perfect) as i only just entered intermediate. Right now im pretty much going off that excel file posted on this board by 'SteamRoxor'-ledgend, as i don't have PP ed 2 and cant look at the sample programs. Monday has already passed so today i did
Squat- 140kgx5x5
Bench- 95x5x5
Deadlifting- 180kgx1x5
The plan from now is chins wed, cleans friday. What im really curious about is the volume from 1 set of 5 deads enough to spur growth for the back/upper back? I know i sound like a BBer segmenting parts this way, but i think its a valid question. Rest of TM makes perfect sense, but a little lost in this area.
thank you for your help
Yes, 1 set of deadlifts for 5 reps on Monday is fine for TM. I'm not sure if it will be enough to "spur growth" in the upper back, but it's enough to make you stronger.
The deadlift question for TM needs it's own subcategory in the programming board. Nothing against the OP; it's really that genuinely a ton of people need to understand the choices and tradeoffs for placing the dead in a TM week. Someone who's done TM for an extended period (several months) should be able to answer this. My suggestions would be meaningless given that I've only done TM for a month.
I've done TM for "months" and my experience has been that deads on Monday are fine. Yes, doing them after volume squats sucks. If you can't handle that, then my 2nd suggestion would be to do them Friday. However, that means you may be too fried to do volume squats next Monday...tradeoffs.
I've had good success doing dead's on Friday. Though I don't find deadlifts especially stressful to my back or CNS.
I do chins on Wednesday and Cleans on Monday. Seems to be working well for me.
I like deadlifts on Friday, as one heavy set really toasts me for the workout, and I have the most energy on Friday. I recover fine for squats on Monday. I also do power cleans on Wednesday, as I recover quickly from them, and I feel they prepare my nervous system to power the bar off the floor two days later.
Sorry, i should have said 'disrupt homestatis in the upperback to increase strength in that area' or something along those lines. Not really concerned with the yoke right now.
In all honesty monday was hard. it was quite a lot of volume, but the deadlifts didn't really feel harder than normal- which is still damned hard. I guess i always have the option of swapping it around next week, which i might do, but we will see. Thanks for the replies