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Thread: Manchild's Training Journal

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Manchild's Training Journal

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    My Starting Point
    Height: 5'10.5"
    Weight: 200lbs
    Age: 20, 3 weeks from 21

    I want a 40" standing vert...then 45"
    I gotta have a 500lbs atg squat
    Need to make 405lb a reality on the bench by Jan. 09
    Deadlift? It has a mind of its own.

    October 27, 2008

    Dynamic Warm-up:5 min jump rope, high knees, butt-kickers, A-skips, etc...

    Squats: 5 x 165lbs, 5 x 205lbs, 5 x 250lbs, 5 x 295, 6 x 295lbs*

    Bench Press: 5 x 135lbs, 5 x 170lbs, 5 x 205lbs, 5 x 240lbs, 5 x 275lbs

    Barbell Rows: 2 x 5 X 135lbs, 5 x 155lbs, 5 x 180lbs, 5 x 205lbs

    Ab work: 150 reps

    My Thoughts

    Today workout wasn't bad at all. The weights went up easy and that has me very excited. It feels good to be back in the weight room. FINALLY!!! Did you see my Titans beat up on the colts.

    * The ghetto weight room I use only has 300lbs of Olympic weights. So instead of moving my squat up 5lbs every week, I'll just add another rep to the last set, until I figure something else out. When I get some money I'll probably look on craigslist for a couple of 45lb plates. The same thing goes for the bench press once I reach 300lbs for the last set.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    October 28, 2008

    Last Night
    I got about 8 hours of sleep last night. I pretty excited about that, because I haven't done that in a while. Hopefully I make this a habit.

    Dynamic Warm-up: 800m jog, high knees, butt-kickers, a-skips, etc...

    Runs: 2 x 3 x 100m @ 70%

    Abs: 50 reps between sets

    Cool Down: 400m jog/walk, light stretching

    My Thoughts
    I was more winded during my runs than I would like to be. I'm outta shape right now, but it should be long to get my conditioning back. The plan is to increase the volume by 100m each week.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 1, Day 1
    Monday, December 1, 2008

    Current condition
    I'm just coming off of a pretty bad cold. I feel a lot better, but my chest is still congested and I'm coughing up nasty *expletive* every 5 minutes.

    Dynamic Warm-Up
    Jump rope 10 min, high knees, butt-kickers, lunges, carioca, A's, B's, etc...

    4-star drill
    2 x 10

    rhythmic lunge jumps
    3 x 5/leg

    1, 2, 3 jumps
    3 x 10/leg

    Weight training
    5 x 170lbs, 5 x 210lbs, 5 x 255lbs, 5 x 290lbs, 8 x 300lbs*

    The last set had me gasping for air...the weight went up easy though.

    Bench Press
    5 x 135lbs, 5 x 170lbs, 5 x 205lbs, 5 x 240lbs, 5 x 270lbs

    Barbell Row

    2 games up to 36pts.

    5-on-5, full-court
    3, 8 min. quarters

    All in all, today went well considering my current condition. (chest cold) The weights went up very easy* and I felt very motivated to work hard. One thing I would change about today's workout is playing basketball. Somehow I got caught up in a game and didn't get to my barbell rows. no biggie though.

    *According to the program I'm following, I should have done 334lbs for 5 reps on my last set for the squats. The only problem is, the weights at the community center only goes up to 300lbs. So that's the reason I did 8 reps at 300lbs...Its almost the same thing as 334 for 5 reps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 1, Day 2
    Tuesday, December 2, 2008

    Current condition
    I felt 100 times better than yesterday when I woke up this morning. I'm breathing easier and my body feels stronger. Also, I got around 7 hours of sleep last night, which is pretty good for me--I usually only get around 6. My legs are a little sore from yesterday's squats, but that's to be expected. Its actually a good means I'm finally back in the weight room where I belong.

    Anyways, here's what I did today...

    Dynamic Warm-up
    800m jog, high knees, butt-kickers, A's, B's, lunges, side squats, carioca, ab work, etc...

    Tempo Runs
    2 x 3 x 100m runs @ 70% with 50m walk between reps and 2 min rest between sets.

    Cool Down
    800m run/walk, light static stretching

    Today was very easy, I'm almost tempted to up the intensity, but I have to stick to the plan. I will increase the volume for tempo 100m every week though. Can't wait for tomorrow...time to get some very short sprints in.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 1, Day 3
    Wednesday, December 3, 2008

    Current Condition
    Sore as hell, more so than yesterday. My ass cheeks hurt (no homo). I did some self massage with a tennis ball...that seemed to help a bit.

    Dynamic Warm-Up
    12 laps around the gym, high knees, butt-kickers, lunges, carioca, A's, B's, etc...

    Acc. Development
    Sprints: 5 x 10m with 45 secs between rep, 5 x 20m with 2 min. between reps.

    Weight training
    5 x 170lbs, 5 x 210lbs, 5 x 250lbs, 5 x 250lbs

    Bench Press
    5 x 140lbs, 8 x 185lbs, 8 x 205lbs

    I'm not totally satisfied with today's workout. My energy level was non-existent. I didn't get to the deadlifts, because I was dead after the squats. Actually I was pretty much dead after the sprints too. Right now I feel like I can barely walk. Depending on how I feel when I wake up in the morning, I'll decide if I should just take tomorrow off or not.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 1, Day 4
    Thursday, December 4, 2008

    Current condition
    Got around 7 hours sleep last night...Also I'm still feeling sore from Wednesday's workout.

    Core Work (8 min.)
    Decline board leg thrusts - 2 x 8

    Lying leg thrusts - 2 x 10

    Reverse crunches - 1 x 10

    Ab scissors - 1 x 8

    Stability ball hip flexion - 1 x 12

    Ab bicycles - 1 x 30

    Stability ball crunches - 1 x 12

    Alternating crunches - 1 x 20

    Bench crunches - 1 x 20

    I skipped the easy runs today and just rested for the most part. I did do some self massage though and I got some core work in. Tomorrow I have weights and plyo.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 1, Day 5
    Friday, December 5, 2008

    Current Condition
    I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Nothing hurts, nothing is sore and I feel refreshed...Last night I got around 8.5 hours of sleep. Also for some reason I'm getting skinny. My body weight is around 194lbs. Anyways, here's how today went...

    Dynamic Warm-up (short)
    12 laps around the gym, high knees, butt-kicker, etc...

    4-star drill
    2 x 10

    Ankle jumps
    3 x 15

    Rim jumps
    3 x 10 each side

    Weight training
    5 x 170lbs, 5 x 210lbs, 5 x 250lbs, 5 x 295, 7 x 300lbs, 1 x 255lbs

    Bench press
    5 x 135lbs, 5 x 170lbs, 5 x 205lbs, 5 x 240lbs, 3 x 280lbs, 8 x 205lbs

    Barbell row (from the floor)
    5 x 135lbs, 5 x 135lbs, 5 x 185lbs, 5 x 185lbs

    Barbell Curls
    3 x 10 x 80lbs

    Today's workout was excellent to say the least. The jumps felt good and the weights went up easy. Especially the squats, my last set was nowhere as difficult as I anticipated. My first week back is coming to a close and I feel pretty good. Tomorrow I'll get some easy runs in and some core work. Basketball is a possibility as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 1, Day 6
    Saturday, December 6, 2008

    Current condition
    Didn't get as much sleep as I should have last night...things got a little wild.

    Here's how today went...

    Tempo (No warm-up in street clothes)
    2 x 3 x 110yds @ 70% w/walk-back recovery between reps and 1 min between sets

    Ab work
    Decline board leg thrusts - 2 x 8

    Lying leg thrusts - 2 x 10

    Reverse crunches - 1 x 10

    Ab scissors - 1 x 8

    Stability ball hip flexion - 1 x 12

    Ab bicycles - 1 x 30

    Stability ball crunches - 1 x 12

    Alternating crunches - 1 x 20

    Bench crunches - 1 x 20

    My thoughts
    I planned on playing ball this morning, but no one was at any of the gyms I go to. On the way home I decided to stop and get some runs in at the high school. It was super cold out and I didn't feel like changing clothes so I ran in my jeans. not a big deal though, since I only ran (6) 110's.

    So as this first week comes to an end I feel very good about what I got done. Now its time to sleep all day, party tonight and church in the morning.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    General Prep: Micro 2, Day 1
    Monday, December 8, 2008

    Current condition
    I was feeling well rested yesterday, but last night I messed around and went to bed extremely too late. Also, for some reason, I kept having these crazy dreams. All in all, I probably got around 6 hours of sleep, if that much.

    When I woke up this morning my eyes were hurting and my body was least I had a pretty good breakfast.

    Here's how today went...

    Dynamic warm-up
    12 laps around the gym, high knees, butt-kickers, lunges, side squats, a's, b's, etc... and some light static stretching

    4-star drill
    4 x 10

    Running Jumps (for maximum height)
    6 reps with 2 min rest between each

    3 games of 1-on-1 up to 36pts 1W, 2L
    4 games of "36"(it's similar to "21") 3W, 1L
    4 games of 4-on-4 up to 24pts 3W, 1L

    My initial plan for today was do some easy jumps and some heavy weights, but things didn't go as planned. After finishing my running jumps, I couldn't fight the urge to play ball. It was mainly due to the height of some of my jumps. I got extremely close to hitting my head on a rim that was 9'10". (PR) That got me psyched up.

    After the basketball games were over I attempted to get some squatting in, but my legs let me know very quickly that was out of the question. I probably could have still benched though. I'll just move today's workout to Wed. Tomorrow is tempo and core.

    Right now, my legs are in some serious pain...all over and I have no idea what to do about it. Maybe some epson salt will do the trick.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    General Prep: Micro 2, Day 2
    Tuesday, December 9, 2008

    Current condition
    Had another late night studying for these final exams. I'm feeling good though.

    Today's workout...

    Core work (7 min)
    Decline board leg thrusts - 2 x 8

    Lying leg thrusts - 2 x 10

    Reverse crunches - 1 x 10

    Ab scissors - 1 x 8

    Ab bicycles - 1 x 30

    Stability ball crunches - 1 x 12

    Alternating crunches - 1 x 20

    Bench crunches - 1 x 20

    No comment. I have heavy weights and some jumps tomorrow. I WILL NOT PLAY BASKETBALL!!!

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