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Thread: Form check knee pain (possibly patellar tendinitis)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Little Falls, NJ

    Default Form check knee pain (possibly patellar tendinitis)

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi everyone,

    Male 32, 240lbs

    Currently finishing up one of Andy's templates, garage gym warrior. It is essentially an HLM template.

    I'm not used to squatting 3x a week, and I think this is what caused my (undiagnosed) knee pain. Pain is probably a 4/10. Hurts when knee is bent for a prolonged period of time (such as sitting) and squatting down for any reason.

    Tried the ibuprofen 5 day dosing protocol two different times. Pain is basically non existent during the protocol, but comes back when I stop.

    I don't want to become reliant on it, but taking 400mg before my workout seems to help. Also started using knee sleeves which also help a little bit but doesn't completely eliminate the pain. Any suggestions? It's been awhile since I posted a form check here, and I've never had any formal coaching. Recorded the first set of my final heavy workout of this cycle (posted below), and I was hoping you guys could let me know it is perhaps a form issue.

    Appreciate everything, Thanks!

    440x3 - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Strong squats, but there are a few issues here that might exacerbate your pain. Firstly, you are cutting most of your squats off high. You need to go two or three inches deeper. High squats can bother some people's knees. So can the knees poking forward at the bottom, which you also do on some reps. Lastly, you kick your head up quite aggressively and lift your chest which will shift stress from posterior to anterior, thereby irritating knees. Let's clean up your squats and see if that helps. If not, I may have another idea for you. As an aside, are you getting pain in both knees? Patellar ligament (below the knee cap), or quad tendon (above the knee cap)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Little Falls, NJ


    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the reply. I agree with you these squats were higher than usual, only because I was trying to clean up going too deep and having my knees slide forward so a mix of both could be causing it.

    To answer your question, pain in both knees, just below the kneecap I believe, although I felt some tenderness above my kneecap if I pressed on it with my fingers. I took a light week last week while on vacation (3x3 at 390 one day, 3x3 at 370 2 days later) along with some ibuprofen and I feel basically pain free right now. (Haven't squatted yet this week, planned to today). I'm assuming it will come back when I resume normal squatting without addressing the items you mentioned (looking up, knee slide, chest lifting, and depth). I'll cut the weight down a bit and work on these items.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Little Falls, NJ


    Just a quick update. I started recording some of my sets again (I haven't in awhile). I realized I was high even going lighter with 4x5 @ 390. When I saw that I started going lower than I thought necessary, and that ended up being just below parallel. Pain has been significantly better, so I think we're on to something.

    I'm going to start recording my sets more so I don't think I'm getting stronger, when in reality I'm just cutting off my depth.

    Also I recently found out the gym Adam Skillin works out of is about 30 minutes from me so if things get bad again I may go for some in person coaching.

    Thanks for your insight Tom!

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