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Thread: Weak Overhead Press

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Weak Overhead Press

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Just started SS again with 5 workouts in two weeks using the A-B system.. My problem is shoulder strength. Specifically the OHP. I'm at 50Lbs and already need to micro load. Would it be beneficial to throw in an extra 3 sets of five in those two weeks to try to bring my OHP up to snuff?

    I appreciate any help.

    1) Age / sex? 65/Male
    2) Current Body Weight? 230Lbs
    3) Current programming (what program are you using). SS two days rest between workouts. Still deadlifting every workout.
    4) How long have you been on current programming? Just 4 workouts this time around.
    5) Starting body weight (what was your body weight when you started lifting? Started current program?). 230Lbs
    6) Increment you are using on the lift in question. When did you switch to this increment? What was the previous Increment for the lift in question? Always micro loading.
    7) Caloric intake (in calories-ish. The answer "sufficient caloric intake" is totally insufficient). 2000-2400
    8) Amount of rest between sets (work sets). 3 minutes
    9) What weight you started the program at (weight on the bar for the lift in question) and a detailed description of how long, what increments were used, and what kind of breaks / vacations / etc caused a disruption in the programming). bare bar. Now 50Lbs
    10) Other activity that you are engaging in (sports, hobbies, job that causes physical exertion). None

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Rest more than 3 minutes between work sets and post a video of your press.

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