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Thread: Squat check, fixed some issues.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Default Squat check, fixed some issues.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Me again. Previous thread

    Tried to incorporate the advice given and was curious how these squats look.

    Squat 107.5 kg 25/01/2017 - YouTube

    1. arms / elbows. Previously to high, tried squeezing elbows down and together, antipode things... Felt better but my arm/shoulder is still nagging. Might still be from the previous fuck upp.

    2. Depth. Always thought that was on point but apparently it wasnt. These look parallel but i guess you guys tell me to go an inch deeper.

    3. Stance width. These were a lil to wide, felt my hip which happens when i stand to wide.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    Rep 1 OK, Rep 2 borderline, Rep 3 high, Rep 4 borderline, rep 5 high. Why don't you just bury the fucking things? Aim an inch deep and see what you get. Elbows looked ok - I'd drop them a little bit more and see if you can straighten out your wrists. Stance looked OK to me, but within an inch either way I'd call it "personal preference."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Hill View Post
    Rep 1 OK, Rep 2 borderline, Rep 3 high, Rep 4 borderline, rep 5 high. Why don't you just bury the fucking things? Aim an inch deep and see what you get. Elbows looked ok - I'd drop them a little bit more and see if you can straighten out your wrists. Stance looked OK to me, but within an inch either way I'd call it "personal preference."
    Yeah.... I get what you mean. Tried getting deeper and really "bounced". Made quite the difference, weighs were easier to move up. I'll keep working on the elbows, doesn't hurt anymore, but when I straigten out the wrists elbows come up, so one of two evils... it'll fix itself in the long run I guess. Thnx

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