I have never missed a squat I'm in that magical newbie phase where it hasn't happened yet but today on my first working set of 270, I started to fall foward from I'm assuming bad form. I was able to recover and did a very heavy good morning with a rounded back. I reracked and finished my three sets with that weight. Now, 8 hours after the workout my back really hurts. Should I have just let it drop on the safety bars? I'm thinking I should have. What do you guys do if that happens to you.
I'm wondering now because I've realized that if it happens once it will probably happen again.
I don't know, honestly. If you're young, your back should be ok. Just try not to do this again.
If I feel myself going on my toes during a squat while under a working weight- Im no longer interested in carrying that weight.
You might want to get a form check to make sure this hasn't been developing over time (form creep). But yeah, reasonable form > weight on the bar (read: ego). I made the mistake of rounding my back to get the last rep of a deadlift workset and threw out my back. I'm completely fine now, but it set back progress for 4 months.
If my form gets so bad it starts to creep into good morning territory, I call it a set, and complete the rest of my sets with a # of reps equal or less than the # of reps I did on the failed set (so if my back rounds on the 4th rep of my first set, I'll do 2x3 for the remainder of the workout). That way I get some quality work in without ruining my form. Repeat the weight next time.
Yeah, that is exactly what happened, I started going foward on my toes I felt from the second I started my decent that I wasn't in the right position. Today's heavy soreness tells me I should've let it fall to the bars. But in reality while it was happening I never thought of it.
not sure what you mean by letting it fall to the bars actually. From LB position i don't think it's possible to actually drop the bar w/o it hitting you on the way down. Now, lowering it under control to the safeties... that, yes. I've put it down on the safeties like it shows in SS2 twice in my 5 months of LB squat (in addition to a few practice attempts w/135) .
Both times i hurt my biceps or brachiradialis on both arms in the process. Don't know which or how... could be that i pulled/pressed down on the bar because i got scared, but i never really figured it out. One of the two times i slightly strained my mid to upper back, but it was fine a day or two later. Don't know how to do it better really.
That's what I mean, lowering it to the safeties. I've never done it though so maybe I should practice.