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Thread: Favoring one side in the squat?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Favoring one side in the squat?

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
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    Feels like I'm even when I go down but upon watching the video it looks to me like I'm favoring the left side at the bottom of the squat? I know rip has talked about different limb lengths and squatting with a block under one foot. Does it appear to be that or am I just favoring my left side? Any input would be awesome


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Kansas City


    I'm not noticing anything that would lead me to believe you're favoring that side.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    When I pause the video at the bottom to me it looks like I'm leaned to the left side. It could just be me over analyzing it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Land of Shadows...


    I don't see it. I there is one, its nothing compared to some other peoples problems here.

    You can search the other imbalance / unequal limb length threads.

    I think what they look for (coaches, people who know things, Rip, etc) . . .is you can really see it in the hips/butt. Sort of a sideways buttwink.
    But alas, I'm not one of these people ^.

    Also, the camera is off center, someone is holding it (moving), and the rack and floormat are not symmetrical...a lot of illusions and perspective problems here.

    Are you having any pain on one side? or in the low back/SI joint? I think what it does is fucks with your pelvis in the bottom of the squat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    I have had left groin pain that started about 11 month ago when I switched from ass to grass to a parallel lowbar style squat. being a dumb teenager I went to heavy on the first time and felt a rip/pulling feeling in my left groin. Thought somthing was serously wrong with me didn't squat or do any leg work for around 8 months always felt a tightness in my groin. At the time I thought foam rolling and stretching was the best way to go about it so I constantly stretched and foam rolled but nothing changed eventually I went to a PT and he gave me some bs explanation about how a bulging disc was causing the pain and gave me some exercises to correct it. Proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't be squatting to begin with because it puts me at risk for an ACL tear. At this point Im thinking this guy isn't going to be any help. a couple weeks later I came across an istamgram post of Dr. Baraki talking about chronic low back pain and how a lot of it is in your head and you have nothing actually wrong and have no reason not to train. So I started doing air squats everyday and built from there. my hip only bugs me when I start thinking about it leading me to believe that all the pain is probably in my head but leaves me always second guessing my squat techneique

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Atlanta, Georgia


    starting strength coach development program
    Your groin muscle issues sounds like a relatively mild injury of the hip adductors. This could be a result of a form issue. Typically shoving your knees out too much or not setting them forward (squatting with vertical shins).

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