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Thread: TM confusion and help needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default TM confusion and help needed

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    Hi, I've decided that I want to start TM. I am 100% sure I am an intermediate - I lift intermediate numbers and haven't been able to add 5lbs from session to session for a while now.

    What I'm confused about is Rip's TM template in Practical Programming - why does he have deadlift 5rm on Monday and PCs on Friday? Shouldn't deadlift be on intensity day instead like all other TM templates on the Wiki and PCs on volume day? That being said, if my goals are more towards "powerbuilding", would replacing PCs with Pendlay rows be acceptable? If so, this is what the core template would look like in my case:

    Monday — Volume Day
    A) Squats, 5 x 5 @ 90% of 5RM
    B) Bench press or overhead press, 5 x 5 @ 90% 5RM (alternating weekly)
    C) Pendlay row, 5 x 5 @ 90% 5RM

    Wednesday — Recovery Day
    A) Squats, 2 x 5 @ 80% of Monday's work weight
    B) Overhead press (if you bench pressed Monday), 3 x 5 at slightly lighter load than previous 5 x 5 OHP weight, or bench press (if OHP on Monday), 3 x 5 @ 90% previous 5 x 5 weight. (alternating weekly)
    C) Chin ups, 3 x Bodyweight
    D) Back extensions or glute-ham raise, 5 x 10

    Friday — Intensity Day
    A) Squats, warm-up, then work up in singles or doubles to one single, new 5RM
    B) Bench press, (if you bench pressed Monday) or overhead press (if OHP on Monday), warm-up, then work up in singles or doubles to one single, new 5RM
    C) Deadlifts, warm-up, then work up in singles or doubles to one single, new 5RM

    How does that look?

    Now, since I also have an interest in size/aesthetics, I would like to add some bodybuilding accessories but I'm not sure how to program it, I was hoping you guys can help me out. These are my favorite accessories: barbell shrugs, lying tricep extensions, barbell curls, weighted dips, standing cable crunches for abs, and calf raises.

    How would you guys program the above accessories into the core template above? Do I even need that many accessories? Thanks!

    EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention that I vastly prefer 3days/week fullbody over a 4 day split.
    Last edited by Hyperfluxe; 05-30-2013 at 12:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by hsilman View Post
    Many people find that heavy squats AND deadlifts on friday don't leave them recovered for squat volume on monday. So they leave deadlifts on monday, even if they are impacted by volume squats.

    as for Prow vs PC, they don't serve the same purpose. You can certainly do Rows, and I would do them at the end of VD like you have, but they aren't a replacement for PCs. the RDL or GHR is a more similar alternative, as it adds extra "pull" work/hamstring work to keep the deadlift moving.

    I found after a few weeks of adaptation, I can do bicep/tricep isolation assistance work at the end of my workout 3 days a week without any real issue. Of course, I'm doing 5/3/1, so my "main lift" work isn't as strenuous as TM.

    For you, I'd put the curls at the end of VD,, and LTEs/Dips at the end of ID(I'd just pick one and stick with it). I'd also do these for high-ish reps, 3x8-15. If you can't do weighted dips for 3x10+, then just work on BW until you can do it easily. Remember, don't major in the minors, try to progress your assistance, but not at the expense of the main lifts.

    As for abs/calves, they can be tacked on wherever. I don't find that they wear me out particularly when I do them, except for the initial soreness.
    Thank you very much for the reply. It's almost as you've read my mind, this is exactly what I had in mind. Alright, so I need to learn how to PC. Better late than never I suppose, and that way I won't have to shrug. I'll add curls at the end of VD then, and weighted dips, ab work, and calf work at the end ID. Dips are really easy for me for some reason, I did 3x8 yesterday with my bw (180lbs) plus 60lbs weight, hardly broke a sweat.

    Do you think there is enough back work if I remove Pendlay rows altogether (now that I've decided that I will learn how to PC)? Also, I have experience with deadlifting 1x5 heavy after squatting 5x5 high volume/moderate intensity. It is almost impossible for me to even apply pressure in my quads...they're just so sore after. I suppose I could try deadlifts on VD first and then if I can't do it then I'll move it to ID.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by hsilman View Post
    If you're fairly certain you won't be able to DL very well on VD, you could simply start with them where they are, and switch if THAT becomes a problem instead. No one will burn you at the stake for doing it that way.

    As for the PCs, what you could do is leave it the way it is now, and use PCs to warmup for your DLs until you get your technique down and start moving some decent weight, and then start putting them on the opposite day from your DLs(VD/ID, whatever you decide)

    I think upper back work is overrated these days, but what you could do is use weighted chins for 3x5 instead of the BW chins on recovery day, if you really feel your upper back needs more work. I'd just leave it as-is for now though. The basic template with a couple of assistance exercises looks legit, don't start addingd/changing things like crazy until it stops working or you want a different result WRT hypertrophy.
    Just to clarify, I should drop the pendlay rows completely if I'm going to PC? I can't do weighted chins very well anyway.

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