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Thread: gs trains and gains

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default gs trains and gains

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I live in the u.k and have been working out over the summer, thought it would be cool to record it online.

    my PR's so far:
    squat 247.5x3x5 (weightxsetsxreps)
    bench 198x1x5
    deadlift 291.5x1x5
    military press 126.5x3x5 (dodgy shoulder)
    cleans 170.5x3x5

    I have been running rippetoes starting strength for a month, then took a week off on tour, so I have reset a week.

    Goals within a month
    weight -210lbs
    squat - 264lbs
    bench - 203.5lbs
    deadlift - 330lbs
    MP - 137.5lbs
    clean - 187lbs

    I will continue rippetoes SS until rugby seasons starts then I may just do an A and a B workout once a week as three maybe difficult to commit to alopngside training and my studies.

    My diet isn't anything special, just vast quantities of good food and protein, I also have EFA's and a multivit.

    Im also doing speed training and summer training alongside this. Will write down my sessions as they come. Starting tomorrow!

    Forgot to mention I try and do some core work/shoulder rehab and grip training once/twice a week also.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    06 August - Workout B

    Squat - 247.5x3x5
    MP - 126.5x3x5
    Cleans - 170.5x3x5

    Really bad atmosphere for this session, didnt feel in the mood but made all increases from last week. Need more sleep.

    I forgot to mention I train with two friends in my garage, a cheap squat rack and bench.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Wed 08 August - WOA

    Squat - 253x3x5
    Bench - 192.4x1x5 (hurt tricep at rugby training and hurt to much so went to wide grip and ramped from 143 to 165)
    Deadlift - 297x1x5 (I used way to much lower back in this need to practice form)

    Good workout, looking forward to breaking the 200lbs bench and 300lbs deadlift.

    Am going to do some prehab on my shoulders thursday 9th before rugby training.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Thurs 9th - Shoulder prehab

    Light warm-up
    Shrugs - 3x10x176
    Pull-ups - BWx3x5
    BB Cuban Rotations - 66x3x6
    L-raises - 24x3x8
    lying lateral riases to 45 degrees - 13x2x8
    Horizontal External rotation - 5.5x2x8

    Felt good, necessity now were doing contact in training, although the volume seems alot now that I look back. Anyone got any comments about my shoulder prehab? Also I want to devise a core workout, but not sure what to do. Any advice much appreciated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    13 August - WOA

    Squat - 258.5x3x5
    Bench(WG) - 165x3x5
    DL - 302.5x1x5

    Tricep still sore so am using wide grip bench again, I think im going to work up to 176x3x5 on WG bench to mix things up. Then work up to 200x3x5 on my normal bench at the end of next week.

    Bodyweight = 204.6lbs

    I should hit 264lbs on my squat this week, so my next target will be 300lbs.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    300 is definitely within your reach. You'll get it soon enough.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Friday 17th - WOB
    Squat - 264x3x5
    MP - 132x3x5
    Cleans - 176x3x5

    was going to do some weighted decline sit ups but abs were still sore from mondays set

    going to try and do some shoulder prehab tomorrow

    Im finding my legs way to tired to work out three times a week on my squat while rugby training (tuesdays, thursdays, sundays) so I think im going to drop wednesday for prehab from now on or devise an upper body plan for the wednesday. Another possibility is to add a dynamic day.

    Thanks heisman, 300 here I come.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Good squats!

    And I agree, cut back a bit on the squatting while also doing rugby training. I'm sure you use your legs during it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    20 August 07 - Mixing & Maxing

    Thought I'd mix things up and max out for this week. I have done almost two months on the 3x5 and things are progressing excellently, but its getting a little dull and I fancy a change. So I put together some exercises and did them. Im also going to switch to kilos.

    Bench Press - Worked up to 100kg x 1 (220lbs) which is a PB
    DB Bench - 30x1x8 (66lbs) 32.5x2x8 (72lbs) 35x1x7 (77lbs) (First time doing these.)
    Pull Ups - BWx4x5
    Shrugs - 110x3x8 242lbs
    BB Curls - 40x3x8 88lbs (Never really isolation work on my arms but one of my friends wanted to)

    Very pleased and really enjoyed it, ran out of time as I was gonna do some ab work.

    I think Im going to deadlift once, squat one and clean once a week. As rippetoes is a little hardcore for me inseason.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    starting strength coach development program
    Things are looking good in here gs. Very nice squatting.

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