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Thread: Low carb High fat Paleo diet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Low carb High fat Paleo diet

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Cant exercise right now so i read (spine won't stay put yet)
    I read Mark Sisson's 21 Day transformation to primal book and other low carb research and cannot find fat recommendations. Thinking of trying Primal/paleo and looking for information.

    for most people:
    Protein he says .7 -1g per KG of "Lean body mass" (don't know if I agree on LBM or total bodyweight)
    Carbs <50 Ketogenic RFL, 50-100 Losing fat, 100-150 maintenance

    Nothing about fat other than "good high fats"

    Searching all over the web looking for recommendations about what the fat intake should be in a HFLC diet. Or even caloric intake would help I could do the math and figure it out. Nothing other than "eating primal/paleo" will keep your calories in line.

    You got any idea what a range would be?
    Are there better authors? Books?
    Watched an interview with him and really liked his non preachy non- zealotry attitude about what is and isn't primal/paleo.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    I think Lyle McD's RFL manual is a worthwhile read. His fat macros for fat loss are basically to get a few grams of fish oil at breakfast and dinner, and then just get trace fats the rest of the day.

    I think it depends on what you want to do, goal-wise, for where your fat recommendations would be. The lower you are, the more body fat you''ll lose, but you may also lose performance by going really low, which really isn't a problem if you're not training. This turns it into more of a protein sparing modified fast.

    If you were trying to adopt a HFLC approach to lifestyle and training, then matching protein gram intake to fat intake isn't a bad place to start, i.e. LBM of protein + LBM of fat and <50g of carbs. Depending on your current weight and goals, fat would likely be anywhere between 45-150 ish for starters.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012


    Yeah I have read the book just the other day. I did something similar last week and lost 4lbs of fat,7 before carbs and retuning water. After using his calculator it says 2 free meals per week. These meals are normal meals including carbs. If I am considering the HFLC lifestyle afterwards shouldn't I still keep the carbs low and raise the fat for the free meals?

    I watched several doctors interviews and one said it takes 21 days to get into ketosis and if you come out of it at all it takes 21 days to get back to it. Have you found this to be true?

    Sorry if you get this multiple times. Said my token expired and could not post

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    No. I would take these two days to go higher carb and lower fat, since carbs will directly influence the hormones we're trying to go for. Most people will enter various states of ketosis during an overnight sleep and fast, although to what degree is highly dependent on how efficient someone is at using amino acids, free fatty acids, and other fuel substrates to make glucose and ATP. Probably what these docs are referring to is that once you are fat adapted, which may take a good 2-3 weeks to do, you're really good at running of ketone bodies and fat, and if you reintroduce an ample amount of carbohydrates, your body will rapidly shift over to burning and using glucose vs. ketones and fat as the predominant fuel.

    I find that one to two small refeeds per week goes well, and maybe more the leaner someone gets.

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