
I completely snapped the achilles tendon on my right foot, during a judo session, just before last Christmas. I was on my back with my right foot in the air for most of the first 2 months and my mobility has been severely limited throughout.

I'm in physiotherapy now but recovery estimates seem to be anything from 6 months to a year.

Prior to the injury I considered myself very strong and fit (especially for my age). I played rugby for years and then martial arts. Lately I have focussed entirely on judo. I'm now 49 years old (6'3" and 230lbs) but up until my injury I honestly didn't feel any different to when I was in my 20s. But due to my recent inactivity my strength and cardio ability have really deteriorated and I may be 'feeling my age' a little.

I read SS recently and realised that although I'm 'bodyweight' strong, I'm nowhere near what Mark Rippetoe would consider strong. In fact, he would probably consider me a weakling despite the sports I have always done.

Prior to the injury most of my training was in a higher rep range than SS recommends, more like 15-20 reps. Squatting no more than 30-40kgs (@90lbs) and benching no more than 70kgs (@150lbs). But also included much running, swimming and bodyweight exercise as well as 3 judo classes per week.

I recently read SS and decided that I would begin the program outlined there as soon as I was able. The only exercise I have difficulty with is the squat, so I have to raise my heels to bear a weight on my back (I use two books, one under each foot).

I have weights at home which will suffice - although I don't have an olympic sized bar, a rack or a bench. The bar I have is smaller than olympic, but it will have to do for now. As for squats, I will have to clean the bar over my head and onto my back. For bench presses I shall lie on my back on the floor, with some books under my back to raise it 4-5" and I'll use dumbells.

I'm here asking advice because I am going to start the program this week - and I am WEAK! There, I said it. I feel like a total... I don't know what, but up until now I was in my 40s but felt more like 30, now I'm in my 40s and feel like I'm 60.

I finally tried some bodyweight squats last week and I almost blacked out with dizziness after 10. I did 3 sets and stopped.

I can do sets of 10 two legged calf raises, but cannot do one-legged raises on my injured foot. And flexibility on that leg is still limited, but improving.

So for mental, as well as physical, reasons - I have to get STRONG AND FIT!

I've never done much in the way of 'heavy' lifting, in terms of what you guys are doing. And certainly not in the 5 rep range. So SS is completely new to me.

I'm going to try starting the program at:

Squat: 10kg/22lbs (legs are VERY weak - although left leg is far stronger than right)
Deadlift: 40kg/88lbs (legs again)
Dumbell Bench Press: 2x20kg/44lbs
Shoulder press: (legs again)

Also going to include:
Calf raises: bodyweight +20kg/44lbs (two legged only, until I can do one-legged on both legs
Bent Row: 40kgs/88lbs

Previously I used to include bicep curls/pull ups and tricep skull crushers/dips, due to the need for arm strength in judo. So I will probably also include from SS:
Barbell Bicep Curl: 20kg/44lbs
Barbell Skull crusher: 20kg/44lbs

Yes, as I said, I am WEAK. I am also frightened of injuring myself so I am probably being very cautious.

Any thoughts from anyone?
Anyone have experience of recovery from achilles surgery?