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Thread: intermediate programming on a limited schedule, any ideas?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default intermediate programming on a limited schedule, any ideas?

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    After 11 months on ss its time to move onto an intermediate program. Problem is due to work shifts, family comittments and gym times I can only get about 45 to 50mins actual workout time in the gym - which is about enough time to do one exercise 5x5 across plus warm ups. is there anyone out there who has had similar problems and how did you overcome them?

    I though about splitiing the Woojus Geesham split routine something like this

    Week 1
    Mon: Bench 5x5
    Wed: Squat 5x5
    Thur: Press 5x5
    Sat: Cleans 6x3

    Week 2
    Mon: bench 10x3 de
    Wed: Squat 10x2 de
    Thur: Press 10x3 de
    Sat: Rack pulls 1x5

    assistance ex whenever I have time.
    Does this seem like it would work or is this too much of cut in workload? Im older at 45 so less volume may actually be a good thing.

    any help or advice much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Wendler's 5/3/1 can be very quick depending on how you set up the assistance work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Thanks - actually I hadn't thought of that and yes it looks as though it would fit into my schedule. It may be too advanced for where I'm at. Looking at the internet stuff it seems it works in a four week cycle whereas I am looking more at making weekly gains at this stage. I'll need to get the Wendler book to really understand it though - and a calculator!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Most here feel that its an intermediate program. As far as the calculator google 5/3/1 spreadsheet and you'll probably find a dozen of them on the net. One of them is even mine that I posted through EliteFTS a while ago.

    The program is 3 weeks of training followed by 1 week of deload and repeat. You should be getting PRs very regularly on this. They won't necessarily be 1RM PRs b/c this program is more about rep PRs.

    If you haven't already seen this then its a good place to start:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    531 is an advanced program, not intermediate. Though you would still progress on it, you would be better off picking a true intermediate routine. I've been on it for 6 months now, let me know if you have questions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    In response to above poster, 531 is monthly progression, so you could consider it an advanced program based on that fact. OP would be better off picking something like Texas method or madcow that has weekly gains, thus faster progression for him

    Also why substitute rack pulls for deadlifts ?
    Last edited by Cmanuel; 01-02-2010 at 07:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Chicago, IL


    Quote Originally Posted by lastditch View Post
    After 11 months on ss its time to move onto an intermediate program. Problem is due to work shifts, family commitments and gym times I can only get about 45 to 50mins actual workout time in the gym - which is about enough time to do one exercise 5x5 across plus warm ups. is there anyone out there who has had similar problems and how did you overcome them?

    I though about splitiing the Woojus Geesham split routine something like this

    Week 1
    Mon: Bench 5x5
    Wed: Squat 5x5
    Thur: Press 5x5
    Sat: Cleans 6x3

    Week 2
    Mon: bench 10x3 de
    Wed: Squat 10x2 de
    Thur: Press 10x3 de
    Sat: Rack pulls 1x5

    assistance ex whenever I have time.
    Does this seem like it would work or is this too much of cut in workload? I'm older at 45 so less volume may actually be a good thing.

    any help or advice much appreciated
    This is a really sticky area. I wish I could help. I'm curious as to how this would work by taking TM and removing the light day by breaking up volume day over the course of the week. Let us know how this works.

    Oh yeah, I see you are doing rack pulls. Are you going to be alternating them with halting DLs?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Thanks for the input guys and the link to the Wendler stuff I appreciate it.
    I think I'm screwing with TM too much here. Cmanuel I liked the comment on your log about looking for a cookie cutter routine, I guess I am in a similar postion at the moment in that at my stage I just need a simple routine where I dont have to think or mess around too much. I got Starrs TSSS for Xmas and he recons his basic big 3 workout can be done in 45mins - exactly what I need. So for now I'm just going to follow the basic plan is his book and see how it goes. I'll look at 5/3/1 further down the road.
    Cmanuel if you dont mind me asking how did you progress on the madcow version - were the ramped sets enough to spur progress?
    Last edited by lastditch; 01-03-2010 at 08:16 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by lastditch View Post
    Thanks for the input guys and the link to the Wendler stuff I appreciate it.
    I think I'm screwing with TM too much here. Cmanuel I liked the comment on your log about looking for a cookie cutter routine, I guess I am in a similar postion at the moment in that at my stage I just need a simple routine where I dont have to think or mess around too much. I got Starrs TSSS for Xmas and he recons his basic big 3 workout can be done in 45mins - exactly what I need. So for now I'm just going to follow the basic plan is his book and see how it goes. I'll look at 5/3/1 further down the road.
    Cmanuel if you dont mind me asking how did you progress on the madcow version - were the ramped sets enough to spur progress?
    Yeah I've always said that someone in the intermediate stage might benefit from a cookie cutter routine if the trainee isn't comfortable with creating their own workout routine. At least this is the boat I was in.

    Concerning Madcow, yes it definitely spurred progress. I put on a ton of mass and strength in the 5 months or so I ran it (I think i reset twice, i was kind of bad at keeping good logs in those days!) I gained something like 30 lbs, and put a good many pounds on my total. I remember my bench went from a measly 220x5 to 255x5 before I stalled. My DL went from 420 to 495 as well, all while taking only protein powder and eating everything in sight.

    That program is based on a bill starr program, so the progression was actually written by Starr himself, so its pretty legit. The madcow dude just swapped rows for cleans and deadlifts for high pulls if i remember right...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Townsville QLD, Australia


    starting strength coach development program
    I'd dump the DE stuff unless you really need speed work.

    I have about 60-75 mins or so 3 times a week and this is what I'm currently doing and it seems to be working out good so far.

    Squat 5x5
    Power Clean 5x3

    Bench 5x5
    Barbell Row 5x5

    Squat 1x5
    Deadlift 1x5
    GHR - 3 sets

    Press 5x5
    Weighted Chins - 3 sets

    I rotate these 4 workouts on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule.
    Last edited by Tom Chase; 01-03-2010 at 09:48 PM.

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