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Thread: Anyone can help me to break my limit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Unhappy Anyone can help me to break my limit?

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    Hi guys and girls.

    Sorry about my bad English. It is my second language so it might be inappropriate.

    I bumped into the limit while I do a strength training.

    My height is 170cm and weight is 77kg. Body fat is 20%.
    I workout with 5x5 Strong Lift and now I kinda change to 3x5.

    The reason how I find this website is, I found difficult to develop my workout so I try to find an answer at SL website but really hard to figure it out cuz they only open a information to members. I also kept search information in my own language but I couldn't kind any helpful information. And finally I found SS site. I read a SS book several times but rack of language skill makes me hard to fully understand the contents. So I try to get some help from here.

    Here is my record in past two weeks.

    Sumo dead lift 144kg/317lb 1x5
    (I am doing Sumo dead lift because it makes me performance better ad back shape and with my grip)

    Squat 135kg/297lb 3x5

    Bench 75kg/165lb 3x5

    Press 54kg/119lb 3x5

    Row 71kg/165lb 3x3

    And here is my questions.

    First, I feel like my upper body exercise, which is military press and Bench is so weaker then my dead lift and squat.

    Not it is bit hard to perform 3x5 but my DL and squat was keep increasing. However, Bench and press is stuck in that record for few month. I kept try to change my grip, width of grip, change gear (Gloves to wrist wrap + chalk). But it is still like that. What makes worst is can not even maintain that record. Sometimes it going up few kg but sometimes it drop few kg.

    What I think is my wrist is bit thin (6.5cm diameter. Sorry about write in cm) so bit hard to perform or hold the weight.
    Other fact is I quiet ruin my shoulder at military service, which I got a "frozen shoulder" (Not sure it is proper term but usually age at 50's people get this injury because of frequent use of shoulder) after I finish my service. Not sure about other facts that make my upper body performance poor compare with DL and Squat.

    Second, I felt like hard to follow the 5x5 or 3x5 workout.

    Till last week I was able to perform 3x5 but since yesterday, when I try to put bit more weight, I felt really hard do 3x5. For example yesterday in squat main set,

    135kg 1x5 success

    136kg 1x5 success

    136.5kg 1x5 fail end up by 1x4.

    Kinda fully prepared because I stay in this weight for while and I really want to break my own record.

    I slept enough, warm up myself ate a post workout meal before lifting. But I really felt like I'll be collapse if I do fifth rep so I stop it. I think about change to 1x5 but I going to gym twice per week because of my job, so I felt like it might be not enough exercise.

    So in conclusion, there are two questions.

    Is there any way to increase my upper body lifting performance?

    Should I change my workout to 1x5?

    Sorry about long posting. But personally really struggle at these two matters, so anyone who have similar experience or better experience, please help me to break my wall!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Fairbanks, Alaska


    How about doing the basic Starting Strength program from the book?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Do the actual program.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by JinToniK View Post
    Hi guys and girls.

    Sorry about my bad English. It is my second language so it might be inappropriate.

    I bumped into the limit while I do a strength training.

    My height is 170cm and weight is 77kg. Body fat is 20%.
    I workout with 5x5 Strong Lift and now I kinda change to 3x5.

    The reason how I find this website is, I found difficult to develop my workout so I try to find an answer at SL website but really hard to figure it out cuz they only open a information to members. I also kept search information in my own language but I couldn't kind any helpful information. And finally I found SS site. I read a SS book several times but rack of language skill makes me hard to fully understand the contents. So I try to get some help from here.

    Here is my record in past two weeks.

    Sumo dead lift 144kg/317lb 1x5
    (I am doing Sumo dead lift because it makes me performance better ad back shape and with my grip)

    Squat 135kg/297lb 3x5

    Bench 75kg/165lb 3x5

    Press 54kg/119lb 3x5

    Row 71kg/165lb 3x3

    And here is my questions.

    First, I feel like my upper body exercise, which is military press and Bench is so weaker then my dead lift and squat.

    Not it is bit hard to perform 3x5 but my DL and squat was keep increasing. However, Bench and press is stuck in that record for few month. I kept try to change my grip, width of grip, change gear (Gloves to wrist wrap + chalk). But it is still like that. What makes worst is can not even maintain that record. Sometimes it going up few kg but sometimes it drop few kg.

    What I think is my wrist is bit thin (6.5cm diameter. Sorry about write in cm) so bit hard to perform or hold the weight.
    Other fact is I quiet ruin my shoulder at military service, which I got a "frozen shoulder" (Not sure it is proper term but usually age at 50's people get this injury because of frequent use of shoulder) after I finish my service. Not sure about other facts that make my upper body performance poor compare with DL and Squat.

    Second, I felt like hard to follow the 5x5 or 3x5 workout.

    Till last week I was able to perform 3x5 but since yesterday, when I try to put bit more weight, I felt really hard do 3x5. For example yesterday in squat main set,

    135kg 1x5 success

    136kg 1x5 success

    136.5kg 1x5 fail end up by 1x4.

    Kinda fully prepared because I stay in this weight for while and I really want to break my own record.

    I slept enough, warm up myself ate a post workout meal before lifting. But I really felt like I'll be collapse if I do fifth rep so I stop it. I think about change to 1x5 but I going to gym twice per week because of my job, so I felt like it might be not enough exercise.

    So in conclusion, there are two questions.

    Is there any way to increase my upper body lifting performance?

    Should I change my workout to 1x5?

    Sorry about long posting. But personally really struggle at these two matters, so anyone who have similar experience or better experience, please help me to break my wall!
    Are you from Singapore, South Korea or Taiwan?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013


    @yellowmamba I am from south korea
    Last edited by JinToniK; 05-15-2013 at 06:15 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Do high-bar squats if your aren't. They will be much, much better for your frozen shoulder. Do advanced novice. Squat Monday/Friday and do front squats on Wednesday 3 sets of 3.

    Do squat cleans or power cleans instead of rows. Fuck rows. No wait. Yes, fuck rows. Rows are for faggots.

    Do conventional deadlifts. Fuck doing sumo deadlifts. Train conventional, lift sumo at a comp or not at all.

    Small wrists don't mean anything. Just get stronger.

    With press and bench, try microloading. Or try eating and sleeping more. Don't forget to alternate them, not doing them both each session.
    Last edited by yellowmamba; 05-15-2013 at 04:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013


    First time to use this type of forum so not sure I reply correctly or not. wish I can get used to it.

    @paterfamilias/Kazzin That's what I am think now. which is the Original SS program. Think is in other exercise except "Power clean", I pretty much follow the program. Thing is, I felt bit hard to keep lifting 3x5 in squat. Should I do less Set or rep in this case?

    @yellowmamba Haven't think mix with front squat. defiantly I'll try with changing my routine to original SS program.

    While I do the SL routine with row, I felt like "Am I doing right?" even I try to follow this clip Not sure it really work so I mix with pull up and row while I follow the past routine.

    Reason why I use Sumo dead lift is I felt like my form is more stable than I perform CDL. Maybe when I do CDL, something might be wrong but since I do SD, I bring out more progress with better form then I done CDL so I adapt it.

    "lift sumo at a comp" Couldn't understand this part properly but I always lift weight from the floor like this clip but I try to lock my shoulder blade as I learn by other DL clips. Maybe I will try back to CDL but might be stay in same SDL if my form going to unstable.

    And for the "Small wrist"... like you said, it don't mean anything. I know but limit came to me so I really want to break it. I know good mentor is the best in this situation but I couldn't find the one who give me a proper advise... Well that's why I am here

    Both upper body exercise, I'll try microloading. Maybe was to impatient to put on weight to each exercise. Load 0.5kg per week. Should be a long term goal to bring up the weight.

    I have same question to you Yellowmamba. For the squat, Should I do less set/r ep or give more rest between set up to 3 min?
    Last edited by JinToniK; 05-15-2013 at 06:46 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by JinToniK View Post
    First time to use this type of forum so not sure I reply correctly or not. wish I can get used to it.

    @paterfamilias/Kazzin That's what I am think now. which is the Original SS program. Think is in other exercise except "Power clean", I pretty much follow the program. Thing is, I felt bit hard to keep lifting 3x5 in squat. Should I do less Set or rep in this case?

    @yellowmamba Haven't think mix with front squat. defiantly I'll try with changing my routine to original SS program.

    While I do the SL routine with row, I felt like "Am I doing right?" even I try to follow this clip Not sure it really work so I mix with pull up and row while I follow the past routine.

    Reason why I use Sumo dead lift is I felt like my form is more stable than I perform CDL. Maybe when I do CDL, something might be wrong but since I do SD, I bring out more progress with better form then I done CDL so I adapt it.

    "lift sumo at a comp" Couldn't understand this part properly but I always lift weight from the floor like this clip but I try to lock my shoulder blade as I learn by other DL clips. Maybe I will try back to CDL but might be stay in same SDL if my form going to unstable.

    And for the "Small wrist"... like you said, it don't mean anything. I know but limit came to me so I really want to break it. I know good mentor is the best in this situation but I couldn't find the one who give me a proper advise... Well that's why I am here

    Both upper body exercise, I'll try microloading. Maybe was to impatient to put on weight to each exercise. Load 0.5kg per week. Should be a long term goal to bring up the weight.

    I have same question to you Yellowmamba. For the squat, Should I do less set/r ep or give more rest between set up to 3 min?
    Squat 3 sets of 5 twice a week, once on Monday and once on Friday. Do front squats on Wednesday for 3 sets of 3. Rest up to 10 minutes if you need to. Just make sure you stay warm. The most important thing is to finish the reps. Obviously if you can do the 3 sets of 5 with 4 minutes rest, then there is no need to rest 10 minutes between sets. Take the longer rest only if and when you need to.

    Progress of 0.5kg per week for the press and bench is stupidly low. Aim for 2.5kg per week.

    Do not do sumo. Lower the weight for the conventional deadlift and work up from there.

    You have to stop rows. I repeat, fuck rows. No wait, FUCK ROWS. Do cleans. You can learn to clean by watching 10 minutes of video and spending half an hour with a barbell and 10kg bumper plates on each side to practice form. Here is a link:

    I want to help you because I have the utmost respect for Sa Jae-Hyouk.
    Last edited by yellowmamba; 05-15-2013 at 08:42 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    West Bend, WI


    If your press and bench have been stuck for over a month, it is time to move to more advanced programming. There are a variety of things you can try. This forum would recommend Texas Method as a good starting intermediate option. Personally (hsilman is gunnin' for me), I would do an upper/lower split to get more assistace work in. Doing the bro type stuff on upper body days, in addition to the solid bench/press programming, will probably help.

    I disagree with YM about changing your form up. If you are interested in general strength training or powerlifting, sumo pulls are fine. I would also stick with low bar if it is working for you. If you are interested in weightlifting, then you might want to go high bar and do conventional style pulls. Stick with what works for you. Front squats are good, and so are things like paused squats. I would do them as assistance work on your lower body days.

    If you are interested in more info on how to set something like this up, let me know.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Callador View Post
    If your press and bench have been stuck for over a month, it is time to move to more advanced programming. There are a variety of things you can try. This forum would recommend Texas Method as a good starting intermediate option. Personally (hsilman is gunnin' for me), I would do an upper/lower split to get more assistace work in. Doing the bro type stuff on upper body days, in addition to the solid bench/press programming, will probably help.

    I disagree with YM about changing your form up. If you are interested in general strength training or powerlifting, sumo pulls are fine. I would also stick with low bar if it is working for you. If you are interested in weightlifting, then you might want to go high bar and do conventional style pulls. Stick with what works for you. Front squats are good, and so are things like paused squats. I would do them as assistance work on your lower body days.

    If you are interested in more info on how to set something like this up, let me know.
    Well, the problem with sticking with sumo pulls and low bar squats is that if he eventually does want to switch to weightlifting, it will be much harder to undo all the motor patterns he has learnt. If he does want to squat low bar, I'd still highly recommend doing front squats on the Wednesday equivalent, with a focus on maintaining a vertical torso. My limited experience with the few people I have converted to doing cleans instead of rows is that once they get the hang of it, they end up loving it and are obsessed with improving it.

    And unless he has exceptionally long legs and a short back, he should definitely conventional deadlift. Sumo pulling for extended periods of time will eventually beat up his hips. If he has average proportions, there is zero reason to sumo pull. Sumo pulling is easier because it reduces the ROM, but that isn't ideal if his goal is to get stronger.
    Last edited by yellowmamba; 05-15-2013 at 11:37 AM.

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