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Thread: Same injury after an year with the same weight on Squat.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Same injury after an year with the same weight on Squat.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I did SL 5x5 for 4 months some years ago ago and injured my low back due to form issues/no power rack/no belt/whatever. I feel bad form due to anxiety of having "no safeties" lead to that injury. Whatever the case, I have a power rack now, and started SS few months ago. I am almost back on previous PRs now, squatting 85 kgs and this time I workout with a belt. I feel like I'll injure myself again because I am experiencing exact pain at the same place in my low back with the same weight - 85 kgs. I am thinking of getting a home made reverse hyper. Since this is probably a repetitive injury hence posted here. I am confused as to whether i should stop squatting OR check form and keep on increasing weight OR get a reverse hyper first or what should I do? Don't want to get injured again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    A reverse hyper is a stupid thing to get when you are only squatting 85kg, and won't do dick if the problem is bad form.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Have you addressed form? Seen a coach? Posted a form check?

    Also, this forum is called "Repetitive Inquiries", not "injuries".

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    I will get it anyway, it seems to be no.1 way to rehab broken backs.
    Quote Originally Posted by 51M0n View Post
    A reverse hyper is a stupid thing to get when you are only squatting 85kg, and won't do dick if the problem is bad form.
    Thanks, I did, since my back started paining again I assumed there is still something wrong...

    Here is the video:

    My bad on the Inquiries/injuries confusion, i guess i am too tensed about the situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Simma Park View Post
    Have you addressed form? Seen a coach? Posted a form check?

    Also, this forum is called "Repetitive Inquiries", not "injuries".
    Last edited by Rockfella; 06-09-2013 at 01:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Do i continue like nothing happened?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Melbourne, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Rockfella View Post
    Do i continue like nothing happened?
    Firstly, I'm not sure what you were doing for the first half of that video, dancing around with the bar on your back and it seems the bar was moving on your back? Set the bar on your back correctly in the rack, step back, and squat.

    Your squat doesn't seem to be awfully bad, maybe one of the coaches can help you if you post it in their forum. But descent is pretty fast, maybe try slow that down a little, concentrate on tightening your midsection throughout the whole rep, and go from there.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Thanks. My back has a tendency to hyper extend and i need to work on that. If I try to keep it straight my squat turns into a mild good morning ... so i'm bit clueless on how squat now.. A coach suggested belt which really helped but something more needs to be tweaked.
    Quote Originally Posted by madmaxaus View Post
    Firstly, I'm not sure what you were doing for the first half of that video, dancing around with the bar on your back and it seems the bar was moving on your back? Set the bar on your back correctly in the rack, step back, and squat.

    Your squat doesn't seem to be awfully bad, maybe one of the coaches can help you if you post it in their forum. But descent is pretty fast, maybe try slow that down a little, concentrate on tightening your midsection throughout the whole rep, and go from there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    I am able to do reverse hypers on my power rack with a bit of creativity and my back felt better almost instantly! Let's see what happens in the next workout. I'll squat with 60kgs and work it up from there.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Rockfella View Post
    Do i continue like nothing happened?
    It's unclear whether you're actually injured again, or you're just feeling some kind of discomfort that makes you worry that you will injure yourself. Read the stickies about how best to record your form and post your form check in "Techniques" or to the staff coaches' forum. Provide more detail about your height/weight/age and the exact nature of your injury/discomfort--when you feel the pain, what kind of pain it is, and where exactly it is.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    I am not injured yet. I am assuming that I’ll get injured again (same injury) because I felt discomfort in the same area, same type of pain, exact same feeling at the almost same work weight – around 85 kgs (bleh!) in the same exercise - squat.
    I videotaped myself squatting/practicing with 30/50 kgs with my brother watching me. I am UNABLE TO KEEP MY BACK STRAIGHT no matter what I do. If I keep my chest out I hyperextend my back, even if I don’t keep my chest out I still hyperextend. The only way I can keep my back straight is by keeping slouching my back which feels incorrect. Belt helps but does not fix it completely.
    I am confused now.
    Coach John Hanley advised:
    Practice Videos:
    Thankfully reverse hypers fixed my mild back pain almost instantly J

    Quote Originally Posted by Simma Park View Post
    It's unclear whether you're actually injured again, or you're just feeling some kind of discomfort that makes you worry that you will injure yourself. Read the stickies about how best to record your form and post your form check in "Techniques" or to the staff coaches' forum. Provide more detail about your height/weight/age and the exact nature of your injury/discomfort--when you feel the pain, what kind of pain it is, and where exactly it is.
    Last edited by Rockfella; 06-09-2013 at 11:55 AM.

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