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Thread: No more benching/pressing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default No more benching/pressing

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    My doctor have forbidden me to do basically anything from SS except squats and deadlifts. This due to inflamed triceps. He wants me to keep away from them for at least 3 months. This really blows, since I really need to get my strength up on those lifts.

    But anyway, how would I handle this within the context of SS, do I just go with Squat every session and DL every other session and nothing else? Or do you suggest doing only the warmup sets for the presses? The issue is mostly apparent on the work sets.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    He thinks your entire triceps is inflamed? I suppose he must be obeyed, so just do the workouts without the presses.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by PrimalAeon View Post
    My doctor have forbidden me to do basically anything from SS except squats and deadlifts. This due to inflamed triceps. He wants me to keep away from them for at least 3 months. This really blows, since I really need to get my strength up on those lifts.

    But anyway, how would I handle this within the context of SS, do I just go with Squat every session and DL every other session and nothing else? Or do you suggest doing only the warmup sets for the presses? The issue is mostly apparent on the work sets.
    Hmm. Doesn't your triceps get a little inflamed simply by the process of lifting weights no matter what? You stress the muscle, the muscle fibers break down just a teensy bit, the body responds with extra blood flow so they can heal(inflammation), they rebuild just a little bit stronger than before, you press again, they do the same thing all over, and eventually you wind up pressing engine blocks overhead.

    I guess you could be overtrained, or you pulled a muscle or something, but unless the doc put you in a cast three months, that seems a bit long to not use your triceps. And if the doc put you both your arms in a cast, exactly how did you type this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    La Jolla California


    Unless you were traumatically (car accident, mauled by tiger) or exotically (stung by a Portugese needle beetle, impregnated by rabid tsetse flies) injured or you have a disease (CP, MS, AIDs, etc.) I fail to see how "triceps inflammation" can exist. The needle on my quack detector is pinned.

    What is your doctor's experience with barbell training and/or athletic muscular growth?

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