Originally Posted by
I'll go ahead and take a stab at it with my opinion. Firstly, that's quite a bit of volume on Monday. If you can get away with it and keep getting stronger, more power to you; however, you may need to adjust so that you're recovered in time for PR Friday. Personally, I'm not a fan of doing 3x5 @ 80% 5rm on Monday and Wednesday. If you just want to maintain bench strength, perhaps doing a heavy set on Friday would be more appropriate, subject to your discretion. With all the dips, your bench strength isn't going to plummet if you only do it once a week, since you stated it isn't your main goal. As another option, you could rotate dips and press on Monday and work the movement that you don't hit for volume on Wednesday @ 80% (or depending on how you feel).
I would advise you about the chins on Monday coupled with the Kroc rows on Wednesday. Even though you're doing higher reps, remember the rep range continuum; that much work could carryover into Friday's deadlift and affect back stability. Personally, I am always too fatigued on Monday to execute with precision the necessary technique of the clean. I like them on Wednesday, since skeletal loading is minimal.
As far as grip work, are you doing double overhand until your grip starts to slip? That's one consideration. Another would be static holds or farmers walks.
My two cents, welcome to any comments