Originally Posted by
Gary I've been meaning to ask about this cue, 'drive traps into the bar' to maintain back angle.
how is this in contrast to Rip's coaching? As opposed to his cue of 'keeping the chest up'? Is there a real difference in squat movement between the two, or is it just a difference in coaching cues to effect the same fundamental squat technique?
I ask because 'keep the chest up' hasn't been that useful a cue for me. But thinking about driving my traps into to the bar seems much more effective in keeping me from getting bent over when the weight is heavy.
With heavy squats, I have a strong tendency to lead hard with my ass out of the hole--making my back go horizontal--and then finishing with a good morning to straighten my back up. As horrible as this tecnique is, it's actually MUCH easier for me to lift heavy like this than with good form. Perhaps my quads are just girly weak in comparison to my ginormous ass.
At any rate, this tendency is so strong that only a strong cue like 'drive traps into bar' seems to help.