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Thread: Falling apart at the seems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Default Falling apart at the seems

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hello Everyone!

    I have been working my way through the forums on the Q&A but There's a few things I wanted to ask as things have taken a turn for the worse.

    I started the linear progression after fannying around in the gym trying to be a bodybuilder and making zero progress. I am into week 8 now and the results have been amazing.

    Squat: 70kg -> 112.5kg
    press: 40kg -> 51kg
    Deadlift: 120kg -> 150kg
    Bench: 60kg -> 75kg
    PC: 40kg -> 60kg
    BW: 190lbs -> ~211lbs
    I'm 6'3''

    squat has been going up no problem, same as deadlifts, The presses are going up with the odd stall but I have never stalled for more than one workout. That was until last week. Stalled for the first time on squats at the 112.5kg mark, woke up the next morning unable to bend my knee. It lasted only a day and my guess was one of my squats was too low and I damaged the tendon, the pain has pretty much healed. The next worrkout was 5 days later due to not being able to bend the knee, i got the 112'5kg for 3 sets of 5 but it came at the expense of my left forearm. I couldn't bench at all, and now when I tried to get the 115kg squat, warming up at 90kg caused so much pain in the forearm. I have searched all over the forums and watched mark's bar placement video and took that into account but could not find a position and grip where it did not feel like I was bearing some of the weight in my hands. So Now I have this horrible ache either side of my elbow (benching really hurt my bicep/brachialis), A knee that is giving me some grief and everything is feeling very heavy and struggling to progress.

    Is this a sign that I am coming to the end of my linear progression? these numbers seem disappointingly low for this to happen. I have also been eating a fuck tonne and at first I was gaining good amounts of size but now I am just getting fat, I pretty much encapsulate the skinny-fat body type so everything sits on my waist.

    Any suggestions? Is it a case of just taking a week off and then getting back to it or do I need to start looking at intermediate programs?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Brisbane Australia


    Welcome to the world of weightlifting.

    You don't mention your age, and assuming you are not 50+ with chronic problems, you probably have a lot more potential to increase those lifts(a lot more).

    DO you have recordings of your lifts? It is likely form issues that are causing the injuries.

    Let pain be your guide. Record your lifts and post them here for comment.

    Is there a SS coach in your area? This will save you weeks/ months of trial and error.


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