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Thread: End of the beginning or Beginning of the middle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Default End of the beginning or Beginning of the middle?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi coach,

    Some basic stats to start off with:
    29 y/o male 5'8" - 214 lbs
    Last weights:
    squat - 3x5x315 lb
    Deadlift - 1x5x375 lb
    Press - 3x5x165 lb
    Bench - 3x5x245 lb

    I have questions/looking for reassurance that I am on the right track.

    First up, Press. Today was my second workout in a row I failed I went 5x4x4x1x1. I believe it is time to do a reset so I plan on dropping 10% and going up from there. I do not have 1.25lb weights so lowest jump I can do is 5 lbs.

    Second, deadlift. I am finding that the weight is starting to get to the point where my lower back is still sore going in to the next workout, though by the time I am warmed up it doesnt bother me. Should i drop to doing 1x5 once a week until i finish NLP? If, I do what do I replace it with on weeks i am suppose to do two deadlifts? I am not a fan of Power Cleans. Or do I just do a reset and drop 10%?

    Third, squat. I am starting to have the same issue with the deadlift where it is taking a toll on my lower back. Do I need to reset? Keep going until I fail a set? I should emphasize that I am not injured. I just am not recovering between sets or between workouts like I was a month ago.

    Fourth, bench. This is going great. I have not had any issues with this one yet. Though I do need help getting the bar out of the rack now...

    I am working on trying to get my rep and set scheme situated for intermediate because I think I will be there before the new year. This is what I have so far:

    Bench 3x5
    Press 5x5

    Squat 5x5
    some type of pull, another deadlift?

    Bench 5x5
    Press 3x5

    Squat 3x5
    Deadlift 1x5

    Am I missing anything? Any other thoughts or advice would also be welcome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    1. Press - 5x4x4x1x1, this isn't how anyone I know lists this. I assume you mean you got 5,4,4 reps in your three sets, and then did two more singles? Commas, not x, are the key here. Sounds like this needs a re-set now. 1.25 lb weights are useful and relatively cheap, I suggest getting them:

    2. DL: Switch to once a week adding 5 lbs. Either of the two bookend days. The other day do a set of five at 80% of your most recent new 5RM.

    3. Squat: Wait till you miss a rep, two workouts in a row, then re-set.

    4. OK, keep going then.

    5. Intermediate plan - if you haven't re-set yet, then HOPEFULLY you still have a ways to go here and won't need this by New Years. But whenever the time comes, it's useful to be prepared. I think you're adding too much volume, too quickly. Simply moving to this four day split ups your "pressing" slots from 3 to 4 per week, and that usually is enough of a bump by itself. Instead of 3x5 and 5x5 each day, do 1x5 intensity / PR of one lift, and then 5x5 of the other. On Thurs, do the opposite. Keep volume day moving up 2.5 lbs per week, and move intensity day from 5s to 3s to 2s to 1s over a few months. Once you've done that, you can probably do a low stress week, a re-set of volume day, and then cycle intensity day hitting a PR each week, but at rotating rep ranges of 5, 3, 2, 1. So once a month a new 5RM, once a month a new 3RM, and so on.

    Regarding squats, same deal - do 1x5 and 5x5 instead of 3x5 and 5x5. Let yourself get used to the adjustment, and then in some time, you may want to adjust that to 1x3 and a lighter back off set of 5 on intensity day and then your 5x5 on volume day. For DL, you can just continue to do your lighter DLs on the other day, adding a second set. So 2x5 @80-85% on volume day, and a new 5RM on intensity day, which you can carry down the same way as above (5s to 3s to 2s to 1s, then a low stress week, re-set volume, and rotate hitting a PR each week at a new rep range once per month).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    Appreciate the feedback.

    You are correct, my novice is showing, I meant 5,4,4,1,1. 1.25 lb weights are in the mail. Do you find that going any smaller with jumps are worth it? i.e. 1 lb jumps, .5 lb jumps? I saw a lot of fractional plates that went down to a quarter pound...

    For the DL, I understand that Mondays are 2x5 @ 80% for my DL and Fridays are a 5RM. What about wednesdays? I have been reading PPST 3rd ed. and some of the examples have back extensions/chin ups would that be an acceptable Wednesday pull?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    I prefer the full fractional set but I don't know if they're absolutely necessary unless you're a very old person or small woman. I did use 1-1.5 lb jumps for a time when my press was still progressing in small increments every 1-2 weeks. But it's probably manageable with 2.5 lbs too.

    I suggested you switch from a PR set of five every other workout, to 2 DL workouts a week: one being 1x5 @80% of the previous PR and one being 1x5 at a new 5lb PR. You are increasing DL frequency here and bi-weekly volume, so just do the one set of five at 80% for now. Adding the second set once you become an Intermediate is a good time.

    For the middle day, barbell rows and chins, or even just chins if your low back tends to get real tired, are fine. No need to do back extensions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018


    Right, I misread your orginal post WRT to the DL. Makes more sense now.

    One last question, what weight/rep scheme do you suggest I start with the barbell rows? For chins I plan to do three sets to failure until I can do 3x5. Then start weighted chins.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    3x5 is perfectly fine for the rows, too. There's no objective criteria to tell you when you're using too much body english, but at least make sure you're squeezing it off the floor and not ripping it off with your arms, and that the bar is making contact with your torso at the top of every rep.

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