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Thread: Wendy's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Wendy's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I just finished my 2nd week of Starting Strength.I've been reading Rip's Q&A for awhile now trying to get tips and I've learned a ton!Now a little about me I'll be 44 years old July 30th I never worked out or played any sports or anything my whole life until 3 years ago when I decided it's time to change the 2nd half of my life or I can continue to be lazy,smoke,eat like crap,then die. I had no idea what to do as far as fitness so I ended up buying some of those workout DVDs off an infomercial and away I went! Eventually I lost about 20 lbs and gained some muscle.I certainly felt much better but I didn't like cardio 4 days a week with only 2 strength training days(using dumbells) which were my favorite.Then I started looking around and found a book with an exercise program that used some barbell training! The first time I tried to deadlift (70 lbs) I hurt my back! I read the book and thought I understood the way to do it but nope I messed it up.I was in a lot of pain for about a week after that.The next time I tried to deadlift (50 lbs because I was really gun shy) I hurt myself the same freaking way! My Chiropractor has his work cut out for Anyway I was so upset and I REALLY REALLY wanted to learn to deadlift and do barbell training!Fortunately I found Starting Strength and it turned out to be the most awesome book ever! Finally I had a proper guide to learn barbell training and after reading Starting Strength and Practical Programming I continued with my last program for awhile but there wasn't very much barbell stuff and it got to the point where I started to hate it so I took a couple weeks off then started this program.Ok now for the workout part of this log!

    1st workouts
    chinups/pullups assisted

    Last workouts
    Press-70x5 then 65x5x2

    I'm already stalling on the bench and the press because I tried but can't manage the 5 lb jumps.I ordered some platemates so I'll be able to go up 1 or 2 lbs at a time.I was thinking maybe I started out too high on the weights,but on the bench 75 lbs is too easy.I could have backed off on the press a bit though.

    Anyway that's it for now!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    That's awesome. And your press is a monster, no wonder 75 lbs feels light in the bench.

    (do your power cleans)

    If you think you're stalling early (and two weeks in is early), you might have started with too high a weight or the weight increases might be too big workout to workout (the platemates are a great idea, and you're about ready to use them for the press), true, but you also might not be getting enough rest between sets or between workouts, and you might not be eating enough to make progress.

    (really, power cleans are a lot of fun)

    Coach Rip would tell you to rest at least 3-5 minutes between work sets or even up to 10 minutes, if you have to, and to drink more milk (though that's usually for skinny teenagers) to get your 1g of protein per pound of body weight per day. Getting enough protein and calories (and having a good diet in general) is crucial to recovery and progress.

    (power cleans are pretty easy, too, once you've leaned how, so grab a broomstick or length of PVC pipe and practice the technique as described in the book for a few workouts)

    If the smaller jumps, extra-long rests between sets, and sufficient protein don't let you make progress, don't be afraid to try a two days per week variation of the program (Workout A on Wednesday and Workout B on Saturday, for example), or replacing one workout day per week (the middle one is best) with a "deload day" where you do the same sets and reps as the regular workout but at half the weight. It's like a middle step between Starting Strength and a true intermediate program.

    (if you can deadlift 135 for 5, you're strong enough to power clean a 45 lb bar for five sets of 3, easy. And you want to do five sets of three rather than three sets of five with power cleans because it's easier to keep your technique good)

    Here's the order I'd do things in:
    1. Make sure I'm getting enough protein and calories in my diet and rest between work sets.
    2. Try smaller increases in weight workout to workout, or even none at all if I miss a couple reps in a set.
    3. Reset to a lower weight (knock off about 10% and try to make progress as before).
    4. Take additional rest between workouts or add a deload day.
    5. Switch up to an intermediate program.

    (do your power cleans)

    Don't let my long-winded "you might have overlooked this part" stuff throw you, I think you're doing great. Keep it up!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    My workout today went pretty good.I was able to squat 115 which made me really happy.Tuesday thanks for all your help! I was able to get through my lifts a bit better because I was waiting 3 to 5 minutes between sets where as before I was waiting 90 seconds to 2 minutes between sets.I tried pressing 70 lbs and could only manage to get 3 reps grrrr.I dropped to 65 lbs and finished the rest of my sets no problem.I'll stick to 65 till my platemates come in.
    Tuesday to answer some of your questions I am definately eating enough food and getting my protein in.In fact I think I need to cut my calories on non lifting days because I've gained a bit more weight than I would like.I eat meat,veggies,and a bit of fruit.I've been doing pretty good staying away from junk.
    I'm going to start doing power cleans on my next workout like you suggested and hopefully I'll get the hang of that pretty fast.Thanks so much for your help.Please feel free to post your comments and suggestions anytime!

    Here's todays workout


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I got my platemates in the mail yesterday and used them with my workout.I'm happy to report that I was able to go up on the bench with this new microloading. As promised I tried to work on power cleans.I just used the bar,but I'm having "elbows up" issues.My elbows up look more like Mark's elbows on pg 200 of SS not at all like the womans elbows on pg 201.Can anyone tell me if both are both correct?(If anyones reading this).I have very short arms and I tried to widen my grip as well.The bar seemed to be sitting in the correct position.Anyway here's the workout today.....

    Bench-81 1/4x5x3
    Chinups-15 1 unassisted
    Messed around with learning PCs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Yeah week 3 completed! I'm totally loving this microloading btw! Anyway my workout went great and I'm feeling stronger than ever If anyone would have told me I would be squatting 125 back in Jan I would have told them there is no way in hell I could do that! Tonight I'll read the section on power cleans again and practice them tomorrow.

    Press-66 1/4 x5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Ok 130 lbs kicked my ass!I tried squatting 130 lbs and I could feel my form was going bad right away.I tried to stick it out but I couldn't stand up on my 5th rep and had to dump the bar. I don't know if I was just having a bad day or something so I plan on trying 130 on my next workout to see.Here's my last workout.

    Pullups-15 assisted

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Ok I tried 130 again and it was just too much so I had to resort to microloading my squat for now.Hopefully I'll be up to 130 within a few more workouts. Todays workout


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Default Hi Wendy. Another female!

    Hi Wendy,

    I'm in the same boat. My lifts are going up by 5 pounds or less every wo. My presses are even slower. I'm about to buy microplates, too.

    Don't be afraid to gain weight. Bodyfat calipers are fabulous for clarifying the difference between gained fat and gained muscle. If what you are gaining is mostly muscle, you win! You can lose a little fat later with all that new muscle to work with.

    I gained 15 pounds in the last month or two, but my skinny jeans still fit, even though my waist seems a little fatter. I'm going to keep gaining weight until I get up to 25% body fat. That just seems like about as much as I can stand.

    Work hard and expect success!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Hi Vanessa! Are you doing Starting Strength also? My weight has gotten a little high and my jeans are starting to get pretty tight.I can definately see more muscle on my legs and butt though.I'm not going to start cutting weight for quite some time because I want to build as much muscle as I possibly can.I'm sticking to a lower carb diet so that should help to cut some fat while gaining muscle,but I'm not overly freaky about my weight anyway.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Yay I'm still making progress!Today my bench felt like it was all I could possibly handle,but I felt I could still go higher in my squat. I love this program!!

    Todays Workout
    Chinups-15 2 unassisted whoot!

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