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Thread: Newb Questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Question Newb Questions

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I decided to lose weight for my health in December. I began cardio work and have cut 50% off of my 1 mile times since then. 2-3 weeks ago I decided to begin lifting weights (with the idea that it would assist in weight loss). I began with random machine weights in a very disorganized fashion and proceeded to reading a lot about weight loss and lifting and dieting.

    Upon recommendation from others I learned about and started SL 5x5 and just today I learned about SS and I have been reading and comparing the two.

    My current stats/ routine:

    SL 5x5: 3x per week
    Body weight: 290 lbs
    32 years old, Male
    Cardio: 15 minutes on SL 5x5 days and 15, 30, 15 minutes on days between SL 5x5.
    Diet: used MFP (my fitness pal) to track calories at a 1k deficit compared to TDEE (TDEE = 2800, my intake 1800) for the first week. Realized I am was way over eating. Now I eat less but do not as rigorously track my consumption.
    Free weight experience: 2-3 weeks in my entire life

    Today I learned about the SS program. I am thinking that I will do SL 5x5 for 12 weeks and then maybe shift to SS after that is complete.


    Is SL 5x5 then transition to SS a good plan?

    I was reading about the novice effect (Starting Strength: Article) and it said some guys gained 32 lbs of muscle in 11 weeks and 52 lbs of weight. I was very impressed however I do not think that any weight gain is healthy for me at this point (maybe I am wrong?). Should I continue eating at a deficit and rely on my 45% bodyfat to fuel muscle production or do I need to adjust my thinking?

    Any other specific advice to me?


    P.S. Obviously I will keep reading and learning more.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Faugaun View Post
    Obviously I will keep reading and learning more.
    Buy the book. Read it. Follow the concepts outlined therein. Profit.

    Last edited by Str8shutr; 03-20-2016 at 01:58 PM.

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