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Thread: Programming halting deadlifts and rack pulls for women on TM

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Programming halting deadlifts and rack pulls for women on TM

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    Dear Coaches

    I'm on TM and currently alternating halting deadlifts and rack pulls every week. I'm female, 5'5”, 26 and 90kg/198lbs ish.

    In light of the recommendation that women focus on triples as opposed to fives, I'm wondering if I'd benefit from altering the rep ranges of haltings/rack pulls for the same reasons? (Sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, I searched the forums and looked in SS/PPST but I couldn't find anything).

    I've been using halting deadlifts for a set of 8 and rack pulls for a set of 5 as per the recommendation in SS. I do them on recovery day since this is when I was doing deadlifts.

    Current programming:
    a mixture of the TM for women and the TM for powerlifting in PPST

    Volume day
    Squat: 6x3 @85% of ID
    Bench: 6x3 @85% of ID

    Recovery Day
    Haltings/rack pulls
    Press: 5x3
    Squat: 3x3 @80% of VD

    Intensity Day
    Squat: 3RM (112.5kg/248lbs last ID)
    Bench: 3RM (61kg/134lbs last ID)

    Extra info
    I changed to haltings/rack pulls around 7/8 weeks ago after my deadlift had been stalled for a while (since before Xmas) around 127.5kg/281lbs. Since it first stalled, I reset around 10% and worked back up twice, made sure I was eating/sleeping enough (2300-2500 calories, 180-200g protein per day), videoed my sets to check form, altered the rep ranges, tried adding back off sets then tried adding beltless deadlifts on volume/intensity day. None of this worked and I noticed squats feeling extra grindy on Intensity Day too, so I finally accepted I wasn't recovering from deadlifting and made the switch. I was reluctant to do this as 127.5kg/281lbs doesn't seem that heavy! I saw 500lbs/227kg being thrown around as a typical number for when men should change to haltings/rack pulls, but couldn't find an equivalent number for women... I pulled a surprisingly comfortable 140kg at a meet in January after doing the 2 week taper described in PPST, which also made me think I wasn't recovering from deadlifting every week.

    Thanks so much for your time :-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Wichita Falls, TX


    If your bench and squat are slowing down, change the volume days to 5x5. Remember that the recommendation to go to triples is so that heavier loads can be used due to the difference in neuromuscular efficiency in most women vs. most men. You'll be able to do a 5x5 @ 85-90% of ID for volume day. You may need to add backoffs to your intensity day as well. Change one thing at a time and see what happens.

    As far as your pulls go, you need to pull more often. Again, think about how stressful a single set of heavy pulls are for you vs a male pulling 500 lbs in terms motor unit recruitment. To start off, I think you should add at least one more day of pulls. Maybe 2x5 or 3x5 off the floor. Stay with heavy rack pulls for 2x3 or 3x3 on Wednesday. Eventually add in another rack pull day - 1 or 2x5.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Dear Nick

    Thanks so much for all the great info, I really appreciate it.

    I'll add floor pulls first - which day would be the best place for them?

    And just to clarify, I should continue to alternate halting deadlifts and rack pulls on Wednesdays (i.e. haltings one week, rack pulls the next), albeit for 2x3 or 3x3?

    Last question: when I eventually add in another rack pull day for 1 or 2x5, should I alternate this with haltings too, in the same manner as on Wednesdays? And where would be the best place for this (M/W/F)?

    Thanks again for your time and expertise!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Wichita Falls, TX


    You can put it wherever if you like pulling heavy on Wednesday. From looking at what you're doing, it makes sense to me to put your deadlift on Monday and your rack pull on Friday, but that will mean two really long workouts.

    I would start you with rack pulls and then maybe put in haltings later if you need them. You probably won't for a while, if ever. When I have people rack pull twice in a week, I'll have them do them from slightly different heights. Another way to handle this could be to rack pull one day, pull off the floor on another day, and do haltings the third day. But again, you may not need anything but rack pulls and full deadlifts for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2018


    I'll go with deadlifts on Monday and rack pulls on Friday if you think that'd be best. I have a garage gym, so long workouts aren't too much of a problem logistically.

    Re rack pulls from slightly different heights, would just below the patella/just above the patella be suitable?


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Wichita Falls, TX


    Just above the patella isn't much use. Go just below the patella to start and then add mid-shin. So a hole or two difference depending on your rack.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Perfect, thank you!

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