You doing the GOMAD? Eating everything in sight? Try advanced novice yet?
So, I know this is like the 50th post on switching from SS to intermediate programming, but I want to make sure I'm doing the right thing-
I started DTP in late March, and my weight has gone from 155 to 180, maintaining about 15% body fat (height 5'8''). My 5RM are:
Squat: 265x5. I stalled at 265, and deloaded from 240. I've returned to 265, but it's still pretty hard, and I tend to lose back angle unless I really try to maintain it. It's been 2 or 3 weeks that I've been stuck at 265.
Bench: 175x5. I haven't really deloaded, but it's been about 2 weeks that I've not progressed on bench.
Press: 130x5. I haven't deloaded, but I attempted 135 today and had a minor injury to my shoulder on the first rep. I stopped doing them - they were hard. It took me about 2 weeks to successfully do 130.
Power Clean: 175x3. I deloaded once to 155. These don't feel that bad, and I think I could make some more progress on it, but it would be slow.
Deadlift: 345x5. These aren't that bad, I think I still have some good progress in me.
As it is, my lifts have pretty much all been stuck (except DL) for the past 3 weeks or so. My question is: should I switch to intermediate programming? Or should I suck it up, eat more, and try to do a few more weeks of SS?
You doing the GOMAD? Eating everything in sight? Try advanced novice yet?
Yup, I've been doing ~3/4 GOMAD and having plenty to eat - the reason for the 3/4 is that I've never had difficulty gaining weight, and wanted to control the rate of gain. I gained 25 pounds in 3 months, and from the mirrors I can see it was mostly muscle.
I just recently started on advanced novice, although I don't know how much that will solve my stalls on the lifts other than squats.
How tall are you?
5'8'' not that tall
In the 3 weeks or so that you've been stuck, has your bodyweight also been constant?
I think you still have some room to grow, so you could up the calories some more. What was a surplus when you were 20 lbs lighter is now a maintenance level. Just because you eat more doesn't mean you'll get fat.
I know that everybody is different, but I'm 5'8" and 185 lbs, so we're fairly close in that respect.
My current lifts are:
Squat 280x5x3
DL 365 x 5
Bench 225x5x3 (moved on to TM)
OH Press 142.5x5x3 (moved on to TM)
Your squat could probably come up a little bit. Deadlift doesn't seem too bad. OH Press isn't terrible, but there's something going on with your bench...
Of course that's just comparing to my numbers... which I know doesn't mean dick... but all I'm saying is you probably have more linear progression left.