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Thread: Squat Grip for long arm individual

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky

    Default Squat Grip for long arm individual

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have pretty long arms, and my default grip width is thumb lined up on the score. If I attempt to bring it in any narrower from this point, the weight feels unbalanced, and both my shoulders and elbows ache. Problem is when I grip thumb to score mark while maintaining neutral forearm/wrist, my elbows ride kind of high, this leads to biceps tendinitis, so I tried lowering my elbows, it worked for a while but at this width it puts my wrists in a great state of extension, and eventually affected my elbow worst. Any other solutions? I should mention that the pain is tolerable, and I've been able to train through it without any setbacks, I let my GF dig her fingers in it between bouts and take ibuprofen if I feel I need it. Should I just stop being a pussy and just chop it up, considering it hasn't yet affected my training to bad?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    How tall are you, and what's your wingspan? Can you get a pic of your bar position/rack?

    Assuming everything you write is accurate, and the shoulder & elbow aches from the narrower grip don't effect your training, you could just do that. Or you could wrap your thumb around the bar, get a pair of wrist wraps to help support your wrist in extension, and lower your elbows some.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    I'm 6'1, with a 72'' wingspan. Here's a clip of about where my grip usually is. Could it be that maybe I've been grasping the bar to tight with my hands and wrists causing shear that runs down my forearm and eventually to the tendons of my elbow?
    Bar postion - YouTube

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Those aren't outlier numbers at all. I'm 6' and have a 73" and change wingspan.

    Your elbow position looks OK there. Does it stay right there when you squat, or do you - perhaps inadvertently - lower or raise them? Got a recent squat video at an appropriate angle you can post?

  5. #5
    marcf Guest


    I'm 6'1.5" and my wingspan is 76" and I've got golfer's elbow from squats. However, it was caused by rolling my wrists forward and back during my descent and ascent on the squat, which would cause my elbows and forearms to rock up and down. When I first started the program in mid-April, I saw an SSC and he pointed it out to me, where he said, "You probably don't feel it now, but if you keep doing that you're going to get elbow tendonitis." I fixed it, but over time the movement crept right back in.

    So here I am now with elbow tendonitis.

    Might be worth looking at a video of your squat and you can see if you're making any weird elbow movements.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Western Kentucky


    Here is one of today's volume sets
    335x5x5 - YouTube

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    You've already got this video, or one like it in a thread awaiting moderation. Since this thread is old, it probably makes more sense to respond to it there.

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