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Thread: Squat pain on inside of left knee

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Squat pain on inside of left knee

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I've been doing SS for 7 weeks and started with 65kg because I had been doing squats for several months beforehand with light weights because I didn't have a squat rack.

    During this time I had a groin injury from squatting and it took a while to get back to where I started.

    I've also been squatting in some Do-Win shoes for a few weeks which feel a lot more stable than bare foot.

    The problem I've had for the last 3 workouts is when descending and reaching the bottom or close to bottom, I have a pain on the inside of my left knee.
    This is the first set of 80kg for 5 reps and I feel the pain on the first rep and throughout.
    I thought at the time that my knees were going too far forward so in the second set I concentrated on bringing my knees back. But this meant on the way up I move my knees forward. I still felt the pain in every rep.

    I had a quick look on the internet and it may be a MCL injury due to my knees buckling in. However I don't notice this happening and usually that happens when ascending anyway.

    The pain at the moment in every day activity is quite mild and only happens when extending the knee to 90 degrees.

    I'm not sure what to do and whether or not to try 82.5kg next workout or reduce the weight to concentrate on form. But I don't think I am buckling my knees in, and if that is not causing it, I don't know what needs changing in my form to prevent it happening again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Your bar path clearly goes forward on the way up. Focus on getting the weight to your heals. This very well could be related to knee pain. Other than that i thought they looked good, but I can't tell if your knees are staying out from that angle (no reason to believe they are not)

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