focus lower body streching for warmups and just squat. that's how i usually deal with these, ur hams are probably just tight.
lately iv been having glut-hamstring pain when i squat all the way down, i had to stop squatting for a week and half and now im back but still it hurts a bit - i fear ive injured myself. has anyone here experienced this upper hamstring pain during the squat itself (doesnt hurt when i walk or whatever)
focus lower body streching for warmups and just squat. that's how i usually deal with these, ur hams are probably just tight.
I have pretty bad reoccuring hamstring tendinitis. Its sounds like what it is, based on the fact it is the upper part of the hamstrings (the origin).
I have been doing high bar squats to give the hamstrings a break from such extreme tension. But doing good mornings or even hamstring curls for a lighter intensity rehabilitive effect.
Fish Oil helps, and a massage if you can find anyone to do it.
man this pain always seems to come back its like doms, but somehow when i squat i never get doms in my quads only my hamstrings and hurts so bad to squat down but never hurts when i walk or almost anything.... does anyone have a clue wtf is it?