"Competitive" is a stretch, but here we go.
A bit about me - I'm a 24 year old male, 5'3", ~164 lbs, I work and live in Manhattan, and I train at the South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club. I've competed twice to date.
Meet one: RPS Insurrextion III on November 15th, 2014. A little writeup
here but the summary is I went 8/9, 345/205/405 = 955 @ 162 lbs. I missed a 225 lbs bench.
Meet two: USAPL American Open 2014 on December 13th, 2014. I went (in KG) 152.5 / 95 /185 = 432.5 @ 74.47. In pounds, that's 335.5/209/407 = 951.5 @ 163.8 lbs. Lower total, two meet PRs. Meh. I missed a 160KG (352 lbs) squat because my nerves got the best of me, didn't get tight enough before the descent and essentially gave up halfway through the rep. I missed a 100KG (220 lbs) bench because I should be removed from the gene pool. More accurately, I just had a crappy bar path and stalled a few inches off the chest and too low. I've hit it in the gym before, but it was a LONG grind. Not my best effort here. But hitting a deadlift PR on a stiff bar was nice.
Jordan Feigenbaum has been doing my programming for about 5.5 months and nutrition about 2.5 months now. I'll be continuing to work with him as long as 1) I can afford it and 2) I'm seeing progress.
I plan on moving down a weight class and competing in April in a USAPL meet at 66 KG (145 lbs). Given that about 3.5 years ago I was roughly 260 lbs of fat, this'll be a nice win.