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Thread: Meniscal tear - recommendations/ suggestion/advice. Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Default Meniscal tear - recommendations/ suggestion/advice. Please

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi all,

    Apologies if this is not the right forum for the question.

    I'm Ajay, 33,been having pain in my lateral side of my right knee whenever I do more (over 30 air squats). I've been having this issue for a few years . Provided background about an injury 10 years ago. I have no issues with weighted squats. So, I recently took an MRI and found out that there was a complex tear in the anterior horn , body of my lateral meniscus. The doctor immediately recommended surgery. But, I want to take time to do PT, get a 2nd opinion and also ask people here about their experiences. Here are the specifics from my MRI

    1. Normal medial meniscus without intrasubstance degeneration, surface fraying or discrete meniscal tear.
    2. There is a complex tear of the anterior horn, body, and posterior horn of the lateral menuscys with horizontal and radial components.
    3. There is a flap tear at the body of the medial meniscus with meniscul tissue displaced superuir to the tjoint line.In addition, there is a flap tear of the anteriour horn of the lateral meniscus with meniscal tissue displaced medially adjacent to the anteriour lateral meniscal root.
    4. There is laxity in anteriour crusiate ligament with a chronic partial tear at its origin at the lateral aspet of the intercondylar notch.

    5. Normal posterioir cruciate ligament without tear, laxity or sprain. Normal medial collateral ligament including the superficial fibers and the meniscofemoral and meniscotinial ligaments.
    6. Normal posteromedial corner, including the distal semimembranosus complex, gracilys and semitendinosus tendons.

    For now, I'm resting for the past 10 days. I'm able to walk normally, no locking of knees. No swelling.


    10 years ago, due to contact sport, I injured my right knee (same one) which was swollen immediately after the injury. Took an MRI. Doctor asked me to rest for 3 weeks and recommended PT. But, I've had occasional pain whenever I do more than a few(over 20) air squats or butt kicks. Pain goes away after a few minutes.

    Here are my questions
    1. Is surgery the only option?
    2. Can I continue to workout, but avoid squats until I get rid of the pain?
    3. Any restriction to cardio?

    Please advise of dos don'ts etc. Is surgery the only option? Any advise is helpful.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Pardon the frankness of the question, by why in the holy hell are you doing air squats and butt kicks (both of which you report hurt) when weighted squats don't hurt?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    Hey Will,

    Appreciate the direct question. I do Crossfit & Boxing classes, so its usually part of warm up or WOD. So, I do air squats. Also, I try to test the pain by doing air squats. Unsuccessful so far, as you can clearly tell.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New Mexico


    Quote Originally Posted by aj_maverick View Post
    ...But, I want to take time to do PT...
    No amount of PT will heal this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by aj_maverick View Post
    Hey Will,

    Appreciate the direct question. I do Crossfit & Boxing classes, so its usually part of warm up or WOD. So, I do air squats. Also, I try to test the pain by doing air squats. Unsuccessful so far, as you can clearly tell.
    Don't do air squats.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    I tore my left knee meniscus pretty bad playing football about 15 years ago and had it scoped to remove the torn flap and loose cartilage. Tore my right knee meniscus stepping in a muskrat run duck hunting 5 years ago and re-habbed it without surgery. 2nd tear wasn't nearly as bad as the 1st, not sure on the technical differences between the 2 injuries. What I do know is that with my 2nd injury my knee wouldn't "lock up" if it got in the wrong position, pain wasn't as bad, and I was able to put weight on it much sooner after the injury than the 1st. Doctors recommended surgery for both.

    If you've lived with it for 10 years and can do weighted squats without pain I'd avoid surgery, just my 2 cents.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Thank you!

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