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Thread: Squat Form Check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Squat Form Check

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    Hi coaches,

    Video: YouTube

    I posted a form check last week and received some feedback from Adam. I wanted to post an updated video today with a better angle (rear) and see what y’all think. The weight is 165#. I still feel like I have an issue with my hips going back, not up, out of hole which is making me tip forward and really forcing me to lift with my back. Also, I see my knees cave in as well, but that’s probably just a “don’t do that” cue to fix. Generally it seems like I’m messing up the hip drive, and I’m not doing a hips up out of hole, I’m doing hips back, then up...

    Other failure today were my sets. First attempt at 165 after being stuck at 160. Well, I went 5-1-1 in the sets. Pretty pathetic. I failed to come back up on the 2nd rep of last two sets. I rested 6-7 minutes between sets. I deadlifted Monday and was still feeling that today, so not sure if that played a role.

    Thanks for the help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Your hips are going back because you are coming down almost vertically, with no back angle. You then shift back out of the hole to get into a better position to generate force. Why don't you get into that position on the way down? Get your nipples down between your knees and get your rear end back.

    It's like a deep jump. If you had to jump for your life, you'd get your chest down, your hips back, and your knees out. Try that. Just jump. Don't think about it. Now, when you squat, do the same thing. In other words, your hips are too far forward on the way down. Get them back and bend over.

    Your upper back is rounded as well. We don't need flared elbows. Check out Delgadillo's article on elbow pain in the squat and look at the pictures.

    Are you eating right now? You should probably be eating. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Schudt View Post
    Your hips are going back because you are coming down almost vertically, with no back angle. You then shift back out of the hole to get into a better position to generate force. Why don't you get into that position on the way down? Get your nipples down between your knees and get your rear end back.

    It's like a deep jump. If you had to jump for your life, you'd get your chest down, your hips back, and your knees out. Try that. Just jump. Don't think about it. Now, when you squat, do the same thing. In other words, your hips are too far forward on the way down. Get them back and bend over.

    Your upper back is rounded as well. We don't need flared elbows. Check out Delgadillo's article on elbow pain in the squat and look at the pictures.

    Are you eating right now? You should probably be eating. Good luck!
    Thanks, Karl.

    Man, I think Coach Adam said the same thing regarding “nipples down” cue. I thought I was doing it, but I guess not! I think subconsciously I feel like if I get too much back angle going down, I’ll tip over forward. Gotta get that outta my head.

    Regarding earting, doing my best but could always improve. I am way too skinny. I’m about 5-7 and was 132# max when I started. Up to about 140/141 now. For reference, about a year ago, I was closer to 160#, but then got into a weight loss kick and a workout routine similar to Crossfit (even though I didn’t realize the similarity at the time). I’m also an old man(ish) at 39 years old, so I’m probably going to have slower progress.

  4. #4
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    May 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Schudt View Post
    Your hips are going back because you are coming down almost vertically, with no back angle. You then shift back out of the hole to get into a better position to generate force. Why don't you get into that position on the way down? Get your nipples down between your knees and get your rear end back.

    It's like a deep jump. If you had to jump for your life, you'd get your chest down, your hips back, and your knees out. Try that. Just jump. Don't think about it. Now, when you squat, do the same thing. In other words, your hips are too far forward on the way down. Get them back and bend over.

    Your upper back is rounded as well. We don't need flared elbows. Check out Delgadillo's article on elbow pain in the squat and look at the pictures.

    Are you eating right now? You should probably be eating. Good luck!

    Here is an updated video from today.


    This is my third attempt at 170, going 1-3-1 on first go and 1-1-3 second try. Really focused on “hips back, knees out” on descent and was able to get the 3x5 today. It felt much better. I’ve played around with the “nipples down” cue, but I just don’t think that works for me. It tends to make me lean over too much and push bar forward if mid foot, resulting in failed and/or good morning squats.

    I see my head is is popping up on ascent so I need to work on that. But otherwise, how do they look?

    Thanks again for any feedback!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Knees are a lot better. Upper back is still a bit rounded with flying elbows. I'd like you to get the chest down earlier. It's a bit disjointed. If you are moving your hips back, the nipples down won't throw the barbell forward. Knees/hips/nipples move all at the same time. This is the point of the "jump" drill.

    I sometimes use a cue of pretending there's a chain running from nipples to knees. I know, it's weird. I don't know how that happened to you. But the chain is pulling, and it hurts, and you've got to shorten the distance as quickly as you can during the descent. Delgadillo talks about loading the hamstrings as early as you can in the descent. Whatever you need to do to get the back angle set earlier, do it.

    But these are very much better. Nicely done. Celebrate with some food!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2018


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks Karl!

    Man the elbows are an issue I know. I think it may just be a shoulder mobility issue. Those suckers just won’t go down like I want them to.

    I’ll work on the points you mentioned and post something in a week or two to see if there is any improvement. It’s just crazy how much of a difference a few little tweaks in form makes.

    Thanks again!

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