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Thread: Smoothies / pimped up shakes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Smoothies / pimped up shakes

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    Hello Jordan. I've got a lame question for you. Is there any practical difference between eating solid food and blending them to a smoothie as far as uptake and fullness goes?

    I don't usually have a lot of time in the morning, so recently my breakfast of choice has been a smoothie with a pint of milk + whey + 40 grams of oats + frozen berries. It's quite tasty and surprisingly filling, and best of all is it's all done in a few minutes and keeps me going until lunch. I've also used this as PWO meal.

    It this all good, or would you add anything to the smoothie or rather eat the ingredients separately (shake + oats/berries)?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hello Jordan. I've got a lame question for you. Is there any practical difference between eating solid food and blending them to a smoothie as far as uptake and fullness goes?
    Yes- but that's a complicated answer. On one hand, a shake may be more or less satiating depending on the fiber content that would be preserved in the whole food, water content (added or not), the palatability of both meals, and the emotional connection- if any, to either meal. In sum, I think it could go either way depending on the context and the individual but all in all, the specific example you list seems pretty benign to me. For periods when I was too busy- I did a shake every AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Jordan Feigenbaum View Post
    Yes- but that's a complicated answer. On one hand, a shake may be more or less satiating depending on the fiber content that would be preserved in the whole food, water content (added or not), the palatability of both meals, and the emotional connection- if any, to either meal. In sum, I think it could go either way depending on the context and the individual but all in all, the specific example you list seems pretty benign to me. For periods when I was too busy- I did a shake every AM.
    Alrighty, that sounds good. This morning smoothie has been a positive food hack for me after I started getting up two hours earlier in the morning than I'm used to, so I'd like to continue with it if there's no compelling reason not to.

    Follow-up question: Does the fiber thing mean I'm not getting the benefits of the fiber content from the oats and berries when the ingredients are blended? Or is it more of a satiety thing? There's about 5-6 grams of fiber in that smooothie, which I've counted as part of my daily total.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Do you think most of the fiber is preserved in this scenario? Does beating the shit out of your food with a blender destroy the fiber that much? Or are you referring to things like juicing which obviously strain all the fiber containing parts.

    I have a protein shake most mornings too, so I'm curious. Although I skip the oats and just eat some cereal and yogurt while I'm at work.

  5. #5
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolson32 View Post
    Do you think most of the fiber is preserved in this scenario? Does beating the shit out of your food with a blender destroy the fiber that much? Or are you referring to things like juicing which obviously strain all the fiber containing parts.

    I have a protein shake most mornings too, so I'm curious. Although I skip the oats and just eat some cereal and yogurt while I'm at work.
    Follow-up question: Does the fiber thing mean I'm not getting the benefits of the fiber content from the oats and berries when the ingredients are blended? Or is it more of a satiety thing? There's about 5-6 grams of fiber in that smooothie, which I've counted as part of my daily total.
    Blending doesn't necessarily change the fiber content, but it does alter the viscosity, food volume, water content, and fiber content per volume ingested- thus perhaps altering satiety. Juicing is a different story.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Alright, got it. Thank you for your time, sir.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    A little off topic, but do you just use rolled oats in a smoothie? I only have the steel cut variety around and I feel like even with blending them first it'll end up with hard little kernels in it.

  8. #8
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    Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by strideknight View Post
    A little off topic, but do you just use rolled oats in a smoothie? I only have the steel cut variety around and I feel like even with blending them first it'll end up with hard little kernels in it.
    I use instant oats/rolled oats mostly. Never uncooked steel cut oats.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    If I stir 2 scoops of whey into a McDonalds thick shake, will I get a sick pump in my biceps? Do I still need to drink the shake or does the stirring alone trigger gainzZz?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by RugbySmartarse View Post
    If I stir 2 scoops of whey into a McDonalds thick shake, will I get a sick pump in my biceps? Do I still need to drink the shake or does the stirring alone trigger gainzZz?
    You'll probably get a sick pump in your carotid bifurcation, if I had to guess. Shaking post thrombus, free of charge. Your biceps may or may not fasiculate afterward.

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