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Thread: Protein timing when lifting late

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Protein timing when lifting late

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025

    Many thanks for the advice you offer here, looking forward to the macro app!
    I am trying to implement recommendations from your protein optimization article and various posts on this forum, but am slow to learn and don't always connect dots correctly. Does this look like a good protein/BCAA intake schedule given that I am constrained to lift fairly late in the evening?

    Breakfast @ 0700
    ~40g protein (whey + milk)

    Snack @ 0900
    5g BCAA + Beta Alanine + creatine + carbs

    Lunch @ 1130
    ~60g protein

    Snack @ 1300
    5g BCAA + Beta Alanine + carbs

    Dinner @ 1700
    ~60g protein

    Pre-workout @ 2000
    ~40g protein (whey + milk) + Beta Alanine

    Lifting from 2030 to 2200

    Post-workout @ 2200 then off to bed
    10g BCAA + Beta Alanine + carbs

    For reference:
    39yo, 200 lbs, intermediate trainee, ~18-20% BF (estimate)
    Targeting 300g carbs (30g fiber), 200g protein and 100g fat, but am struggling a bit to track macros efficiently.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Why not just have 20-30g of whey + carbs before bed? I'd do either whey or real food before hand (plus carbs) and then 5-10g bcaa during warm up and immediately upon finishing the last set.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    My concern has been that the post workout protein would fall inside the refractory period, only being some 2h after the pre-workout shake. Would it be more beneficial then to skip the pre protein intake and only take it post, along with carbs and a moderate amount of BCAA (since the whey has a few grams of it already)?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    You won't be in the refractory period post lifting because you just trained, thus increasing sensitivity to amino acids.

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