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Thread: Recurring lower back pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Recurring lower back pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    This is my first post to this site having been a long-time lurker. I haven't previously had to post as the body of info here is so vast I have been able find pretty much anything by searching. A big Thanks to everyone for this.
    I am experiencing lower back pain every morning upon waking that prevents me from returning to sleep as I'd like to being as it seems to happen after around five hours of sleep. My partner gets up at 6:00am for work and I often work late so this frequently results in not enough sleep for me as it is uncomfortable enough to not be able to go back to sleep for a couple more hours like I used to with no issue.
    We recently moved house and didn't have a bed for the first three weeks and resorted to sleeping on an inflatable double mattress, it was after a few days of this I noticed the pain for the first time. I was hoping it would go upon sleeping on a proper mattress again but it has stayed with me for several weeks now.
    The pain seems to be an ache that resonates from the base of my spine, I cannot tell if it's muscular or not it sometimes feels as though my stomach is hurting from it also. I cannot seem to get into any position that relieves it yet it tends to go within around thirty minutes of getting up and remains gone until the following morning.
    I have no previous back pain history and have started to work out again slowly having been on and off for quite some time now. The workout soreness does not seem to correspond with the pain, neither helps it or makes it worse.
    Apologies for the lengthy post just thought I'd post this here to see if anyone has experienced anything similar or could suggest anything before I go the GP. I have good faith in people's knowledge here for the most part and really want to start exercising properly again but this problem doesn't seem to be going away easily.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014


    It doesn't sound like this morning soreness in your back interferes with your lifting. So I'd say lift, unless the pain is running down your leg, then maybe get it checked out. Keep your form, and work through it. You might consider taking some ibuprofen when you go to bed, and when you get up.

    That said, I'm a newbie. But I have had minor back issues. And I wake up every morning with my entire body aching.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    What are you currently doing in the weight room, and how long have you been doing it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Hmm yeah have tried some pain killers, didn't make much difference as they likely wore off before I woke. Don't really need them in the morning as the pain goes after I've gotten up Though I guess I could down some then go back to sleep once they've taken the edge off.

    I'm currently starting linear progression from scratch after a long(4 year) break from regular gym time. Have attempted various strength programs before though only managed to try starting strength with my home weights last year but have never had any real back trouble until this move and camp-bed sleeping.

    Thanks for the replies folks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    by focusing on the dead lift i was able to completely solve my lower back issues, especially the lower back pain after sleeping through the night that you experience. I am older lifter, but a slow LP with the deadlift worked wonders for me. Good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by keelkemper View Post
    by focusing on the dead lift i was able to completely solve my lower back issues, especially the lower back pain after sleeping through the night that you experience. I am older lifter, but a slow LP with the deadlift worked wonders for me. Good luck
    I have the same experience. Had a nasty lower back pain for years before I started lifting. My pain was interfering with sleep and was very disturbing before I discovered that deadlifts improve it a lot (they didn't until about 250 lbs). Currently I only experience pain on the 7th day from my last deadlift session, and it increases if I postpone the deadlift day. It goes away after the deadlift, especially if volume is increased via a back-off set.

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