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Thread: Program for a cut

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Default Program for a cut

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Planning to cut a bit of fat. About 10 pounds. Looking at programs. Generally recommendation seems to be to keep intensity as high as possible and cut volume if recovery is an issue. 531 seems like a bad idea, since most sets have a very low intensity and the accessory work with 10 reps also seems like kinda pointless, since I'm on a caloric deficit.

    Thinking about doing something simple like

    3x5 bench
    3x5 front squats

    3x5 press
    1x5 deadlift

    3x5 bench
    3x5 back squat

    The 3x5 done reverse pyramid style. Taking a few kgs off with every set. To keep the first set as high intensity as possible.

    Does that sound good? Thanks for any feedback

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    What were you doing before? Also, if you cut volume youre going to detrain, the best way to increase strength is the best way to maintain it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Right now doing Texas Method. From what I've read, yes, if you cut volume too much, you detrain. But I've read that you can do 1/3 or 1/2 of your previous volume and still maintain strength. Recovery can become an issue on a caloric deficit, so to me it doesn't seem a good idea to maintain a already pretty demanding programming like Texas Method.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    I think have a slower progressing program whilst keeping the same volume or programming in more deloads is the better option but thats just me (trained limited amount of people).

    Whats your weight and rough estimation of your BF%?
    How much do you plan on losing and how fast do you plan to lose it?
    What are your numbers in the lifts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    If you're only doing a slight caloric reduction then I would keep the same program, but adjust the amount of the weight increases you were using. If youre only on a 300c a deficit a day, do you really this makes you incapable of getting stronger? TM as written is not a great program for a caloric deficit, but it is a very tweakable program.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by allent View Post
    I take it you haven't read any of the 5/3/1 books or programs.
    I did read them. I understand the idea behind it. But if you agree that intensity must be maintained on a cut, then 531 is not a good fit for it.

    In the first month you do exactly one set above 85%. The 95% one of your 90% training max.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by BenCooper View Post
    I did read them. I understand the idea behind it. But if you agree that intensity must be maintained on a cut, then 531 is not a good fit for it.

    In the first month you do exactly one set above 85%. The 95% one of your 90% training max.
    That isn't exactly true. Every day you would be getting as many reps as possible(with one in tank) on your main lift, and would thus be working well beyond 85%. And he is now saying to do a couple of cycles before a deload week, so you'd be hitting each lift intensely six times in the first six weeks.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by tawtaw View Post
    That isn't exactly true. Every day you would be getting as many reps as possible(with one in tank) on your main lift, and would thus be working well beyond 85%.
    Intensity does not mean how "intense" the set felt. From PPST3:

    "Intensity is the average weight lifted in a workout or group of workouts relative to the trainee's 1RM"

    Even if you do as many reps as possible with for example 50% of your 1RM, intensity is low.

  9. #9
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    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by allent View Post
    So you skip the Joker sets? The first month you should be doing AT LEAST one set a week at 90%, 95%, 100%, 105%, etc. your starting 1RM.
    Yeah, with joker sets you could obviously get more intensity in. But to be honest, it just feels really slapped on and not coherent. I might as well do the one lift a day program recommended. That way I don't do all those low intensity sets.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by BenCooper View Post
    Intensity does not mean how "intense" the set felt. From PPST3:

    "Intensity is the average weight lifted in a workout or group of workouts relative to the trainee's 1RM"

    Even if you do as many reps as possible with for example 50% of your 1RM, intensity is low.
    Yeah, but we're not talking about ASRAP at 50% for 531. In fact, in the program you outlined for yourself(which isn't bad at all) you never work above 85% since you're doing sets of 5.

    If you're worried about you working max being too low to have as much intensity as you want, raise your working max. It seems like you are working really hard to find reasons why 531 won't work. To each his own, I guess. But 531 is a solid setup for a working in a caloric deficit IMO. It worked great for me when I dropped about 15 lbs over a couple of cycles.

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