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Thread: Squat & DL Checkup

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Squat & DL Checkup

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey guys, thanks in advance for taking the time to read this & I appreciate all the help you give us.

    I was wondering if I could get a checkup on my squat & DL from todays Intensity day. I tweaked my low back/SI joint back in Nov or so and took some time off heavy lower body work. Previous PRs were SQ: 410x1, DL: 475x2

    I'm doing a 5 day TM split with SQ vol & DL assistance on Mon, light SQ & PC on Wed, SQ & DL Intensity on Fri. Just switched squats to 2 sets of 3 and will probalby move DL to a heavy triple. Starting a mild cut, so I was kinda gassed today.

    Squat: 370 lb, this is my 2nd set. First one felt great. I had to rerack the 2nd one because I noticed I had the pins set wrong (working in with someone else), so I was a bit off on the 2nd set. It looks like I'm leaning a bit too far fwd and I could probably cut an inch or two off my depth, that's a consistent problem for me.

    If you care, here's a front shot from last weeks volume, 4th set of 310 lb.

    DL: Done after the squats. 415x4. I was going for 5 but I'm a little paranoid of tweaking my back again and I felt pretty gassed. Lower back ok or rounding a bit much? I keep going back & forth between a 3" and 4" belt. I feel like the 4" provides more support, but it's difficult to get my lower back set. Tried a narrower stance today (heels ~ 3-4" apart) and it felt good. My knees always crowd my elbows.

    For reference I'm 34, 6'2 and ~240 lb right now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Pick one, por favor, as per the sticky.

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