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Thread: Should I reset weight?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Question Should I reset weight?

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    Hey guys, I recently went from an intermediate program to just the regular SS because I realized that I just wasn't that advanced of a lifter and my lifts have stalled pretty quickly on the bench and squat. The thing is, I never did what Rip recommends and do some progressive sets until your bar speed starts to slow down or your form breaks, and I feel like I started too heavy as my form on most of my lifts has been suffering whenever I try to make increases. Like on my deadlift I got 345 for 5 but my back rounded a bit on that last lift. Would it be better for me to just kind of reset and use progressive sets to determine what waits would be better for me to start with or should I just keep grinding out reps with questionable form because I started too heavy?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    Yeah do the reset. I always think its better to reset too much weight and then work your way up in bigger jumps if possible BUT only if it's a legitimate reason to deload. Do the deload and get yourself back up to PR weights ASAP (dont rush it).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Dunk View Post
    Yeah do the reset. I always think its better to reset too much weight and then work your way up in bigger jumps if possible BUT only if it's a legitimate reason to deload. Do the deload and get yourself back up to PR weights ASAP (dont rush it).
    One thing as far as form, my over head has been good since that's the one exercise I did start right on because I'd never done that exercise before so I just used Rips method for that. And on my deadlifts, it's only in that last 5 pound jump I made that the form went each and I think it's because when the bar came down on the first two it left contact with my legs and caused a bad moment arm on the later reps. So I might try and keep the weights for those two lifts and just make sure next time that my form is good on the deadlift. For all the other lifts though I'll probably reset.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by mgilchrest View Post
    How slow is the eccentric on you deadlifts?

    Yes, a video would be informative before folks start telling you to completely deload.
    Not slow at all, the deadlift is a concentric movement anyways so I lower it pretty quickly. Sorry don't have a vid right now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    I'm not talking about taking a complete Deload, just next time I train take some time to do progressive sets to find a better starting weight for me as I hadn't done this on most of my lifts minus the power clean and overhead press. So the next time I squat I'll add 30 or so pounds progressively until my bar speed starts to really slow down or form breaks. Same for the bench and for the deadlift I don't know because like I said that mess up in form was just the last time I deadlifted so it might have been a fluke. But I just tried to do the bottom position of the squat where you use your arms to move your knees out and my right knee hurt really bad so I'm deffinitely going to reset that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    No I felt this in the actual knee joint. And on my last set of squats I did 242.5 for 3x5 wich is up from my last session but I felt like I was having depth and back posture issues.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012


    I was assuming the OPs form was fine....whooops

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    starting strength coach development program
    Well it is on my warm up sets with squats.

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