So you're going to sign up if we have a seminar in the Denver area? PM me your name so I can be sure you do.
So you're going to sign up if we have a seminar in the Denver area? PM me your name so I can be sure you do.
IIRC the last time we did a seminar in CO was in a suburb of Denver in July of 2013. I believe we had 18 or 19 attendees, so it was short of a sell-out. I did have fun with Feigenbaum and Campitelli that weekend, as I recall. And we gained one excellent coach - Niki Sims - as a result of that seminar. So Cole, if you can guarantee us another Niki Sims, we're in.
I live in Grand Junction, CO and I know we would try our hardest to make it. It would be our second one but we've learned and gained so much more since then. Colorado needs some SS. I work at a box gym and lots of folks DL, squatting, and of course there trying to clean and snatch. I have been implemting strength training slowly and guiding people to the SS method, but of course not all want to hear it. However, I've found more people are willing to try it. I would expect a seminar around here, esp Denver, would draw some good numbers.
Time to sign up cole205: July 14-16 : Denver, CO | The Aasgaard Company
Let's see it, Cole.