Dear community,
Hope someone can help me out. I am 5'7 22 years old and I weigh 133lbs.
My bench is at 187lbs , squat 253lbs, deadlift 308lbs (numbers might seem odd because I conversed them from kilo's).
Other lifts are also at intermediate level considering my weight.
I used to be a stocky built and strong kid, at 18 years old I weighed 185lbs @20% bf using bro splits favoring chest.
I wanted to get ripped because I wasn't satisfied with my look, so I lost 53lbs in 1,5 years.
Then I wanted to be stronger again and within one year got my weight up to 152lbs benching 255lbs due to not training lower body that much and use of smolov jr for bench. In the meanwhile my interest for boxing started growing rapidly, comparing myself to Floyd Mayweather it was obvious that I was too built(thick chest and thick wide back). So I again cut my weight down to 133, to find myself again disappointed because school interfered to much with my interest , so I just went and clean bulked again this time to 145lbs. This time I trained more proper and my lifts were more even. I was again disappointed I quit school so the interest in boxing came along and here I am now at 133lbs again and dissatisfied. Its really devastating to go in circles.
My problem is that whenever I get to 133lbs I feel to weak and small as my max bench gets under 225lbs. But whenever I get over 139lbs I feel too built for my ideal.
Even at 133lbs my chest and back are relatively thick and wide.(I look like shawn porter
Shawn Porter has hilarious reaction to being knocked down by Adrien Broner (Video) | Larry Brown Sports ) while he weighs much more than me.
There is one weight class in amateur boxing which is at 132,2lbs(60kg) and one at 64kg(141lbs).
I don't feel good at either of those weights so I feel like I should just weigh around 136,2 lbs (62kg) so a middle route and compete in the 141lbs class (64kg).
Only con would be a much higher probability of facing people up to 5'10, which would put me at a height and most likely reach disadvantage, what would you do?
So for the coming 10 weeks I am looking to clean bulk about 4,5-5lbs and maximize strength gains in particular bench so that it gets to 225lbs without feeling too built. I don't want to gain much on lower body so I want to skew it to the bench press and press ,I really want to do it right this time..
I need something that gives me a lot of mass on my delts, little as possible mass-to-strength on chest&back, little as possible mass-to-strength on lower body.
I know it is almost impossible to accomplish , but I want to get as close possible, even if it is just for mental purposes.
Is it true that you get more strength for your mass the first weeks of bulking or is it the other way around?
If strength-to-weight is optimal in first weeks then I thought of doing smolov jr for bench for first 4 weeks, then doing something that has high volume(hypertrophy) on presses(5 sets of 5) and low volume on lower body and chest(1-3 reps and 2 work sets) possibly adding some sport specific speed sets.(don't know if possible).
I really don't know how to put this all together strategically and that is why I'd really like your help